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How terrible is the global outbreak of WannaCry virus?

Perhaps one day, the scene of automatic driving vehicles being attacked in Speed and Passion 8 will also become a reality.

The blackmail virus can still be prevented, but its global outbreak also shows that there is no absolute security system in the world.

On the evening of May 12, Microsoft system computers in nearly 100 countries around the world were simultaneously attacked by a computer virus named WannaCry or Wanna Decryptor. If you want to unlock the computer infected with the virus, you can only pay the required Bitcoin to the other party, otherwise the hard disk will be completely emptied.


At present, blackmail virus has ravaged many universities in China. The National Network and Information Security Center has also released an anti blackmail virus patch address. The blackmail virus attack was a fierce event, like an unprecedented catastrophe, and many media used the words "fall", "danger!" and so on. But in fact, as long as our computer system is updated frequently, we will not be attacked by this virus. Microsoft's security update in March this year included a security patch for the vulnerability exploited by the blackmail virus.

The virus attack that broke out in the world also shows two points: there is no absolutely safe system in the world; Don't say that any program backdoor is safe as long as it is in the hands of "good people". this The predecessor of the secondary ransomware virus is the "Eternal Blue" attack program in the NSA hacker's arsenal that was leaked before. Now it has been transformed into the current ransomware by criminals.

This is the same as putting the biological virus in the laboratory into the society to spread if no money is paid to it after it is stolen. If you have an impression, you will remember that at the beginning of last year, there was a dispute between the FBI of the United States and Apple and other Silicon Valley companies, that is, whether electronic products should leave a "back door" for law enforcement departments to fight against terrorists.

Now we should have the answer in mind. No one can create an absolute security system, nor can there be an absolute security "back door" only used by "good people". As long as the tools are made, bad people will always have a way to get them - there is no weapon in this world that can only be used by "good people".

 Global WannaCry Virus.jpg

There is no good or bad tool. It is the person who uses it that determines its advantages and disadvantages. System security is always relative. If a hacker wants to attack your electronic device, there is basically no chance that you will survive.

For this WannaCry attack, there are two groups that are relatively safe. First, Mac users. This attack is against Windows. Second, most Windows personal users, excluding those who access the network through campus network and other LAN.

Most security companies blame the reason why the intranet has become a disaster area 445 ports In China, 445 network port for individual users Most have been blocked by network operators, but there are still many open ports in large LANs and enterprise intranets.


So, what is 445? The main feature of port 445 is that it supports file sharing. The access to shared folders and shared printers you see in the intranet and campus network is the 445 port. But the crisis it exposed to hackers was also great. After they successfully invaded, they can share, encrypt, and format your hard disk.

On May 12, the switch domain name was taken over by the security agency. But after that, a large number of computers were still encrypted. The reason given by Weibo Online is that these machines do not have access to the Internet, so WannaCry failed to request to switch the domain name, causing encryption. In addition, WannaCry also has the worm function, which is easy to cause chain effects in the intranet. If the intranet does not have access to the Internet, the loss of one machine is likely to cause all machines to be captured.

Buffett just said at the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders' meeting a week ago, "I am pessimistic about weapons of mass destruction, but I think the possibility of nuclear war is lower than biological weapons and cyber attacks."

Unfortunately, he was right. Perhaps one day, the scene of automatic driving vehicles being attacked in Speed and Passion 8 will also become a reality.

Now we rely more and more on electronic devices, whether computers or smart phones and other mobile devices, loaded with many of our important privacy and security information. But there is no absolute security system in the world. The only way to ensure the relative security of electronic equipment is to form good habits.

At present, Tencent's computer steward has given a protection plan, click here

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