How to restore the deleted QQ chat record of Apple mobile phone

original None but Li 2017-04-18 15:06:02

Many Apple fans have questions about how to restore the deleted QQ chat records on their iPhones. With the popularity of WeChat, fewer and fewer people use QQ in their daily life, but QQ is still the main communication tool at work Many company websites have customer service QQ, but no customer service WeChat. tiny Credit is used for personal chat in life, while QQ is used for business contact at work, which has become the current social software pattern. Today, I'm going to teach you how to restore the QQ chat records on your iPhone that were accidentally deleted.


1. First open a Windows system computer, Win7, Win8, Win10, and then connect the iPhone to which you want to restore QQ chat records.


2. Install and run iTunes software on the computer, click the small phone icon in the upper left corner, enter the iPhone information interface, select the "My Computer" radio button, and then click the "Backup Now" button to back up the files on the iPhone. The purpose is to export all the files on the phone to the computer. Backup usually takes a long time. Please wait patiently.


3. After the backup is completed, please download, install and open the free iTunes backup manager in Louyue. All the Apple device data backed up to the computer can be seen in the main window. We can double-click to open the data line just backed up (if only this iPhone device is backed up, there will be only one line of data in the window).


4. Click "Mobile QQ chat record" in the common directory on the left, and then export the Documents folder on the right to any path on the computer hard disk.


5. Then download and open the "Louyue Mobile QQ Chat Record Export Recovery Software" on the computer. The mobile QQ version is set to "Apple QQ", and the data directory is set to the Documents folder exported to the computer in the previous step, and set or click in the order of 12345 below.


6. Undeleted QQ chat records on iPhone can be viewed on the software interface. We can not only see the date and time of receiving and sending each message, but also view all text, pictures, voice and video in the chat body. You can not only view the private chat content with a QQ friend, but also view the chat content of all group members in the QQ group you joined. We then click "File" and "Restore deleted QQ chat record" menu, as shown by the arrow below.


7. Recovery takes a little time. After the scanning is completed, the problem of how to restore the deleted QQ chat record on Apple's mobile phone is perfectly solved. In the following figure, more than 100 QQ chat messages that were accidentally deleted were successfully retrieved.


Reprint Sohu We Media.

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