To do a good job in SEO, you must know that the nofollow tag is useful

original None but Li 2017-03-27 15:08:38

I believe many SEO friends don't know "nofollow". At least you don't know how to use it when SEO optimizes websites. We wrote an article before“ SEO optimization - basic requirements for website homepage design ”What does it mean to talk about nofollow today? According to Baidu Encyclopedia

Nofollow is the attribute value of an HTML tag. The meaning of this tag is to tell search engines not to follow the links on this page or this specific link. What does this mean? To put it bluntly, it tells search engine spiders not to transmit the weight of this URL or the entire page. If a link on page A points to page B, but page A adds rel="nofollow" to the link, the search engine will not count page A as the backlink of page B, that is, it will not vote.


How to use "nofollow" as seoER ”What about?

1. For example, many enterprise stations have many columns If we don't add "nofollow" to these columns, the weight of the website will be scattered and the weight of the home page will be much lower than that of other websites.

2. If the website links to Baidu, MIIT or well-known websites for free, should we add "nofollow"? Many webmasters don't know that if your website doesn't use the "Nofollow" tag, then for spiders, you have voted for them.

So how to understand it? In fact, it's very simple: you compare your website to 100 yuan. Suppose your website has five columns, then each column will be allocated 20 yuan, right? In this case, the weight of your website does not make the home page stand out. And when websites link to Baidu or well-known websites for free, for spiders, you just give them a little of 100 yuan, that is, your website votes for them.

3. Like our SEO blog websites, they usually have a message function. For webmasters, we don't know who left a message or whether it was an advertising link. At this time, the message board system will automatically implement the nofollow plug-in to block links, so the link search engine on the message board will not catch up with its links. Of course, there are still some systems that are not automatic.

Does this tag really affect the link voting weight and PR value? This is questionable. Google, Yahoo, etc. expressed support for this tag. But do they really reduce the voting weight of these links to zero? Not sure. Baidu [/In recent years, it has also expressed its support for the "nofollow" label, but it has not explained how to support nofollow. However, from Baidu's own products, we can easily see that "Nofollow" can be used to plan the direction of the weight of links on Baidu's website.


If the "nofollow" tag is added, will the search engine really reduce the voting weight of these links to zero? I think it is impossible. For example, when a blog article just wrote about "what SEO blog is suitable for beginners to learn", he added a "nofollow" hyperlink to the website, which is a link without weight for spiders. Is this link useless to my website? Personally, I don't think it is possible. If there are 100 IPs browsing his article every day, 80% of iPhones actually click on my website, I believe this link must be useful. We should start from search engines. For users, clicking this link will bring you to another website, and this user may become a permanent user of your website, which is of great significance for website ranking.

According to ZAC : If you really think that the search engine will reduce the voting weight of these links to zero, then imagine that if the exported links of a website use the nofollow tag, is it natural? You introduce some websites to readers, but tell search engines that you don't recommend them? Not suspicious? Is it someone else's website or the website using this tag that is hurt?


In fact, many SEOers do not understand that it is different for you to send out links on other people's websites from other people's recommended websites. Even if this link is a "nofollow" or a jump, as long as it is sincerely recommended by users, it is also a high-quality user vote for your website. As for whether spiders are more important or users are more important, I have already mentioned in my previous article. Although the links in blog comments are external links (but they are still helpful to be included), they are not worth half a penny for search engine rankings and PR values. I believe this is also recognized (not only because of the use of nofollow).

As an SEO, you should make good use of the nofollow tag on your website, and don't waste the weight of your site, leading to unstable website rankings.

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