WeChat payment - China's leading third-party payment platform | WeChat payment provides a safe and fast payment method
Domestic merchants cooperative partner International Business

WeChat payment merchant platform

Industry solutions

  • Life service

    Through WeChat integration capabilities, we can help to tap the flow depression, integrate the platform content, services and payment capabilities, provide users with a more friendly experience, and help improve the efficiency of the industry.

  • Smart retail

    Customers use WeChat big data to accurately reach users through code scanning, self-service cashier and other services to achieve one-stop operation of members, marketing and shopping guide.

  • Smart Catering

    WeChat scanning code helps the catering industry to "queue free and easy", improve store efficiency, increase stickiness and help the catering industry to upgrade its intelligence through precision marketing.

  • Smart travel

    By scanning the code for payment/taking the bus, self recharging and online payment, we can make everyone travel smoothly in transportation, hotels and scenic spots, and travel more carefree. Efficiency and temperature coexist.

  • Education and medical treatment

    Assist schools, educational institutions and hospitals to reach every teacher, student, doctor and patient accurately; WeChat applet can online manage teaching, living and medical facilities.

  • Government affairs and people's livelihood

    WeChat online services help simplify the process of medical insurance, social security, tax, visa, household administration and living payment, and help more people and things to achieve "one run at most".

Access WeChat payment

  1. one


    Submit business license, ID card, bank account and other basic information online, and complete account verification according to the instructions

  2. two

    sign an agreement

    WeChat payment team will complete the review within 1-2 working days. After the review is passed, please sign an online contract to experience various product capabilities

  3. three

    Binding scenario

    If you need to develop and complete the collection by yourself, you need to bind the merchant account with the APPID, or open the WeChat collection commercial version (development free) to complete the collection





WeChat payment login mode upgrade, please switch to scanning code login mode

If the account is not bound to WeChat, please Click here