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The highest level of inspection: people's letters and visits have been answered, and we must adhere to

Time: 2024-05-23 18:42:58    Author: Gong Chenyu Hou Wenchang    News source: Justice Network

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JUSTICE, Nanchang, May 23 (Reporter Gong Chenyu, Hou Wenchang) From May 21 to 23, Ying Yong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, led the investigation team of the Supreme People's Procuratorate in Ganzhou, Nanchang and other places in Jiangxi Province to review the history of the Party, the history of legal construction, and the history of people's procuratorial work, and draw strength from the red course of the party's procuratorial work. The reporter noted that "inspection and protection of people's livelihood" has become an important part of this survey.

Ying Yong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, led the investigation team of the Supreme People's Procuratorate to Ganzhou Municipal Procuratorate to investigate the substantive resolution of disputes related to procuratorial complaints. Photographed by Cheng Ding

"It is not difficult, but the key is to do it well." When Ganzhou Procuratorate investigated the substantive resolution of disputes related to procuratorial complaints, it should be bravely emphasized that the response to complaints is a solemn commitment of the procuratorial organ to the people, and we should firmly adhere to it. The focus of handling people's inspection related letters and visits is to promote the effective solution of problems. To promote the legalization of procuratorial petition work, it is essential to strictly abide by the law. We should adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, and help the people solve real problems and solve problems with the concept and attitude of "like I'm suing". It is necessary to strengthen the backward review, find and correct problems in case handling in a timely manner, reduce the occurrence of complaints and visits related to procuratorial work from the source, broaden the channels for finding legal supervision clues, and promote the effective governance and source governance of complaints and visits related to procuratorial work.

Ruijin Procuratorate is the grass-roots legislative contact point established by the Standing Committee of Jiangxi Provincial People's Congress. Ying Yong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, led the Supreme People's Procuratorate Research Group to investigate relevant work in the Supreme People's Procuratorate. Photographed by Cheng Ding

After hearing the relevant work report from Ruijin Procuratorate, Ying Yong said that the people's yearning for a better life is the direction of procuratorial work. We should focus on the urgent needs of the people, implement the special action of "inspecting and protecting the people's livelihood", and improve the effectiveness of procuratorial work for the people with more real actions.

At the Procuratorate of Xinjian District, Nanchang City, Ying Yong pointed out that there is no trivial matter in people's livelihood, and responsibility should be seen in the performance of duties. We should deeply understand the important discourse spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Chinese style modernization, people's livelihood is the greatest", and do not underestimate "small cases" and "small things". To establish the concept of substantive resolution of conflicts and disputes, we should not only speak French, but also speak the language of the masses, so that the interpretation and reasoning can be more integrated into the brain and the mind, and solve and transform the heart.

At the Jiangxi Provincial Procuratorate, we should bravely emphasize that we should adhere to the people as the center, earnestly strengthen the judicial guarantee of people's livelihood, accurately match the needs of economic and social development and the people's expectations, enhance the initiative, pertinence and effectiveness of performing duties, integrate procuratorial work for the people into daily life, do it regularly, and firmly establish the ruling foundation of the Party.

Related links:

The investigation team of the Supreme People's Inspection Department conducts investigation in Jiangxi

[Editor in charge: Wang Shiya]
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