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Save 48.26 million yuan a year! Medical service price adjustment benefits doctors and patients

Time: 2024-05-23 07:33:12    Author:    News source: CCTV Finance

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The National Health Insurance Bureau recently announced that three provinces, Inner Mongolia, Zhejiang and Sichuan, are carrying out pilot projects as pilot provinces to deepen the reform of medical service prices. Previously, five cities, including Suzhou in Jiangsu, Xiamen in Fujian, and Ganzhou in Jiangxi, had been carrying out pilot reforms.

Over the past two years, pilot cities have steadily implemented two rounds of price adjustment according to the new mechanism, involving 1398 and 5076 medical service prices respectively. How effective? What are the personal feelings of patients and doctors?

Mr. Niu, who lives in Suzhou, is busy at work. In order not to delay his work as much as possible, he chose to go to the nearby Xinghai Hospital for physical examination. Unexpectedly, a set of processes not only saved time costs, but also made inspection costs much cheaper.

Niu Song, a citizen of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, said that the cost of CT was about 180 yuan before, but now it is 140 yuan. It cost 360 yuan before MRI, but now it is 290 yuan.

The reporter learned that since March 1 this year, Suzhou has reduced the cost of 13 inspection items with large service volume in the city by an average of 20%, which will save about 48.26 million yuan in medical expenses every year.

In addition to promoting the hierarchical pricing of medical institutions, Suzhou's medical service price reform has adjusted some items whose historical prices have been low for a long time and cannot reflect the value of technical labor services. For example, the medical service price of bone marrow biopsy was adjusted from 65 yuan to 124 yuan; Replantation of severed fingers was adjusted from 1800 yuan to 3275 yuan.

In addition, Suzhou also included the surgery items with great technical difficulty and high risk degree into the adjustment scope, and the adjusted surgery items accounted for about 60%. Priority was given to the adjustment of the fourth level surgery, and 110 fourth level surgery items were adjusted, accounting for about 13%.

[Editor in charge: Li Mengxin]
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