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To handle every case of illegal fund-raising with high quality and efficiency

Time: 2024-05-23 07:20:51    Author: Sun Fengjuan    News source: Justice Network

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Ge Xiaoyan's Special Action against Illegal Fund Raising in the National Procuratorate

Emphasized at the special training meeting

To handle every case of illegal fund-raising with high quality and efficiency

JUSTICE, Beijing, May 22 (Xinhua) Today, the Supreme People's Procuratorate held a special training session on special actions of procuratorial organs to combat illegal fund-raising. Ge Xiaoyan, a member of the Supreme People's Procuratorate Party Leadership Group and Deputy Procurator General, stressed that procuratorial organs everywhere should handle every case of illegal fund-raising with high quality and efficiency with "three skills".

Ge Xiaoyan pointed out that the Inter ministerial Joint Conference on the Disposal of Illegal Fund Raising decided to carry out special action against illegal fund raising nationwide from April 2024 to December 2025. Since the launch of the special action, the Supreme People's Procuratorate has carefully investigated and issued the Notice on Giving Full Play to the Role of Procuratorial Functions and Deepening the Special Action against Illegal Fund Raising to further clarify the focus of procuratorial work.

Ge Xiaoyan said that carrying out special actions is an important measure to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions and the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference. Local procuratorial organs should take special actions as the top priority of the current financial procuratorial work, and the economic crime procuratorial departments should take the lead responsibility. All relevant departments should adhere to the principle of performing their duties in accordance with the law, and actively perform their duties, so as to jointly promote the effectiveness of special actions.

Ge Xiaoyan stressed that local procuratorial organs should adhere to the principle of taking case handling as the center and chant for thousands of times. It is better to handle a case accurately. To handle each case well is to prevent risks. We should give play to the role of the 12309 Procuratorial Service Center reporting platform, unblock the channels for reporting clues related to illegal fund-raising, and strengthen the tracking and supervision of major clues. We should attach great importance to the recovery of stolen goods and damage, and actively explore innovative systems and mechanisms with relevant departments. We should adhere to the combination of crime and governance, and continue to coordinate the implementation of the "No. 3 procuratorial recommendation". We should focus on preventing and resolving major risks in the financial sector, and ensure high-quality financial development with procuratorial performance services.

[Editor in charge: Li Mengxin]
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