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"Serve the overall situation, serve the people's justice, and take responsibility for the rule of law" contains profound internal logic

Time: 2024-05-22 07:38:32    Author: Zhong Ruiyou    News source: Justice Network

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Taking "serving the overall situation, serving the people's justice, and assuming responsibility for the rule of law" as an important mission of the procuratorial organ in the new era and new journey, and systematically constructing its theoretical and practical path is the concrete application of Marxist world outlook and methodology in the current procuratorial work, and provides a solid theoretical support for comprehensively promoting the modernization of procuratorial work.

"Serve the overall situation, serve the people's justice, and take responsibility for the rule of law" contains profound internal logic

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that only with a strong theory can we have a bright future, a united people and a solid foundation. Recently, in the article "Serving the Overall Situation, Serving the People's Justice, and Taking Responsibility for the Rule of Law" published by Qiushi magazine, Ying Yong, the Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, proposed that procuratorial organs should "consciously serve the overall situation, serve the people's justice, and take responsibility for the rule of law", comprehensively analyzed the strategy of performing duties according to the circumstances, and "support and serve the modernization of Chinese style procuratorial work" This important proposition plans a clear path, which is very impressive. Based on the rational insight of the times, the procuratorial organ regards "serving the overall situation, serving the people's justice, and taking responsibility for the rule of law" as the important mission of the procuratorial organ in the new era and new journey, and systematically constructs its theory and practice path. This is the specific application of Marxist world outlook and methodology in the current procuratorial work, and provides a solid theoretical support for comprehensively promoting the modernization of procuratorial work.

From the perspective of system theory, "serving the overall situation, serving the people's justice, and assuming responsibility for the rule of law" has profound internal logic. "Serving the overall situation" is the top priority of the procuratorial organ, which stems from its political attribute, service attribute and integration attribute; "Justice for the people" is the fundamental purpose of the procuratorial organ, which stems from the procuratorial organ's attributes of people, supervision and governance; "Taking responsibility for the rule of law" is the era mission of the procuratorial organ, which stems from the procuratorial organ's attributes of rule of law, justice and the times. In fact, they are closely linked, interconnected and interacted with each other, and have rigorous rational logic. Among them, "serving the overall situation and justice for the people" needs to be effectively realized through "taking responsibility for the rule of law", and "taking responsibility for the rule of law" needs to focus on the implementation of the goal of "serving the overall situation and justice for the people". The three are organically integrated in the pursuit of the basic value of procuratorial performance of duties and handling cases of "high-quality and efficient handling of every case", transforming the potential energy of procuratorial work into kinetic energy, and fully promoting the modernization and stability of procuratorial work.

The theory of "serving the overall situation" stems from the political attribute, service attribute and integration attribute of the procuratorial organ. "There is a set of political theories behind every form of rule of law, a political logic in every mode of rule of law, and a political position under every road of rule of law." The procuratorial organs have distinctive political attributes. The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Adhering to and strengthening the Party's absolute leadership over procuratorial work is the primary adherence and fundamental guarantee for the continuous, correct and stable development of the people's procuratorial cause. The procuratorial organs of our country are first and foremost political organs. They must take a clear stand in politics, adhere to the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to arm their minds, guide practice, and promote work. They not only have a lofty vision and a broad vision, but also carefully implement and build on their efforts, comprehensively fulfill the leadership and ruling position of the Party, safeguard national political security, and ensure social stability The mission of promoting social fairness and justice, ensuring people's well-being and working, and promoting the great and arduous cause of Chinese style modernization. The procuratorial organ has a strong service attribute. The economic base determines the superstructure, and all superstructures are generated to meet the needs of the economic base. Adhering to serving the central work of the Party and the state is the inevitable requirement of the national nature of the procuratorial organs. The procuratorial organ needs to find the entry point and combination point of legal supervision work serving the overall situation of the party and the state, strengthen the judicial guarantee of the market economic order, and serve the sustainable development of the economy. At present, the times call for new quality productivity, which is the inevitable demand of the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The procuratorial organs need to accurately grasp the connotation, characteristics, essence and requirements of the new quality productivity, expand the functions, extend the service chain, focus on solving the problems that restrict high-quality development, and work hard to promote the development of the new quality productivity. In addition, the procuratorial organ also has the attribute of systematic integration. As far as the concept is concerned, the procuratorial organ adheres to the systematic judicial view, which is inseparable from the central overall situation of the party committee and the government, and pursues the greatest common denominator of the integration of duty performance and service; In terms of characteristics, China's procuratorial organs have the characteristics of integration. Through procuratorial integration, a benign operating mechanism of "connecting up and down and coordinating vertically and horizontally" has been formed in procuratorial work, which keeps the same direction with the overall situation of the center and forms a good situation of "playing a chess game together".

The theory of "justice for the people" stems from the procuratorial organs' attributes of people, supervision and governance. We should know what we have been doing before we know what we are going to do. The rule of law, as we speak, is for the people, and it is important to keep the people's hearts. The procuratorial organ has the nature of the people, and needs to firmly stand on the people's position all the time. Marxism believes that "people are the sum of social relations". The humanistic thought in Chinese history also emphasizes that people are more valuable than things. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) made it clear that "adhering to the people centered development thought" is one of the major principles that must be firmly grasped on the way forward. As a socialist country under the people's democratic dictatorship, all power belongs to the people, which determines that all state organs shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding the interests of the people, and procuratorial organs are no exception. For this reason, the procuratorial organ must adhere to the principle of people first and administer justice for the people; When performing duties and exercising functions and powers, it is necessary to always think of the fundamental interests of the vast majority of the people, and earnestly handle matters that benefit the people's livelihood, warm the hearts of the people, and conform to the public opinion. The procuratorial organ has a distinct supervision attribute, and needs to be practical, good at supervision, and brave in self supervision. The procuratorial organ of our country is the national legal supervision organ. Since its establishment, it has consciously served the consolidation and development of the people's democratic dictatorship by performing its legal supervision duties. The supervision of the procuratorial organ is national, specialized, extensive and mandatory. In the face of various social contradictions and the people's anxieties, we must adhere to the principle of daring to supervise, being good at supervision, daring to carry out self supervision, transmitting supervision pressure, gathering supervision impetus, forming a joint force of supervision, strengthening supervision deterrence, and continuously strengthening law enforcement Legal supervision of judicial activities. In addition, the procuratorial organ also has a strong governance attribute, which highlights the characteristics of justice for the people in high-quality and efficient governance. Justice naturally has the function of social governance. For example, the procuratorial organ participates in the construction of the rule of law criminal governance model, and comprehensively uses criminal law, judicial interpretation, criminal policy, guiding cases, and the preparation and issuance of procuratorial recommendations to deal with cases and intervene in social governance. The governance attribute of the procuratorial organ is an important support to ensure the long-term stability of the country, improve the level of social governance and enhance people's happiness. The procuratorial organs have diversified ways to release the governance effect, focusing on the outstanding performance, key areas and vulnerable links of social governance, giving play to the multiplier effect of data elements, conducting full cycle management of governance issues, digging deep into the focus, tackling the root causes, and rectifying the root causes.

The theory of "taking responsibility for the rule of law" stems from the procuratorial organs' attributes of rule of law, justice and the times. The rule of law is the core element of modern spiritual civilization and provides the greatest common divisor for the pursuit of a lasting good order in human society. The procuratorial organ has a heavy attribute of rule of law. The Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Legal Supervision of Procuratorial Organs in the New Era clearly stipulates that the People's Procuratorate is the national legal supervision organ, the judicial organ that guarantees the unified and correct implementation of national laws, an important force to protect national interests and social public interests, and an important part of the national supervision system It plays an important role in building a socialist country under the rule of law, which shows the prosecutorial organ's heavy nature under the rule of law. Through procuratorial activities such as prosecution of crimes, supervision and correction of violations, and protection of social public welfare, the procuratorial organ plays a role in shaping the modern rule of law order, constantly building the foundation of the rule of law, exercising the power of the rule of law, and accumulating the momentum of the rule of law. The procuratorial organ has a solid attribute of impartiality. "Fairness and justice are the lifeline of political and legal work, and the judiciary is the last line of defense to maintain social fairness and justice." Fair justice is a requirement for the attitude and effect of the judiciary in applying the law. If we ignore the public's legal feelings and legal awareness demands for judicial justice, judicial credibility will decline and even die. The procuratorial organs have taken an active role in and actively practiced the rule of law. They regard safeguarding fair justice and safeguarding fairness and justice as the fundamental mission of procuratorial activities. They have constantly improved the credibility of the judiciary and the ability to use judicial functions to coordinate the interests of all parties, eliminate social injustice, and achieve fairness and justice, so that fairness and justice are within reach and truly felt. In addition, the procuratorial organ also has a strong attribute of the times. The era attribute of the procuratorial organ is reflected in the popularization of legal cognition and the cultivation of belief in the rule of law. Through the enlightenment function in the process of applying law, it organically integrates Marxist beliefs, traditional social virtues and contemporary spirit of the rule of law, dialectically unifies political beliefs, ethics and ethics with legal norms, so that law can be recognized by people in the world of life, And guide their daily life, laying the foundation for the certainty and predictability of the rule of law. The procuratorial organs sense the pulse of the times, keep pace with the times, continue to influence the group's nature of the rule of law, promote all people to establish a socialist concept of the rule of law, know the law in mind, abide by the law in practice, strengthen the whole society's belief in the rule of law, and make it the universal spirit of the whole nation.

The times are moving forward, and the examination papers are always new. On the one hand, the proposition of the concept of "handling each case well with high quality and efficiency" has provided the procuratorial organ with a key way to implement "serving the overall situation, serving the people's justice, and assuming responsibility for the rule of law", which has realized the organic unity of the three in performing their duties. With the development of economy and society, people's demands on procuratorial work become higher and higher. Under the concept of "handling each case with high quality and efficiency", the procuratorial organ promotes the spirit of craftsmanship, hones exquisite skills, and handles cases highly in line with the internal requirements of "the overall situation", "the people", and "the rule of law", and becomes an emotional identity and behavior habit. Through "ensuring the realization of fairness and justice in entity, making fairness and justice better and faster in procedure, making people feel, feel and feel fairness and justice in effect, and making the quality, efficiency and effect of procuratorial case handling organically integrated with fairness and justice", we will truly serve the overall situation, justice for the people, and take on the important task of advancing the rule of law. On the other hand, the modernization of procuratorial work is the focus of the times and the embodiment of quality and efficiency of "serving the overall situation, serving the people's justice, and taking responsibility for the rule of law". The modernization of the Chinese rule of law is the integration and promotion of the rule of law and modernization, which endows the Chinese rule of law civilization with new era connotation. The modernization of the Chinese rule of law is inseparable from the modernization of procuratorial work, which is the modernization of the concept, system, mechanism and ability of legal supervision. This development path has always been interspersed in the process of "serving the overall situation, serving the people's justice, and taking responsibility for the rule of law", so as to comprehensively promote the rule of law in all aspects of the country's work. It is precisely under the continuous integration practice of "serving the overall situation, serving the people's justice, and taking responsibility for the rule of law" that the procuratorial organ can constantly break the bottleneck of development, gather development advantages, enhance development momentum, and realize the modernization of procuratorial work, speed up and increase efficiency.

(The author is the Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and the Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province)

[Editor in charge: Gao Wenwen]
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