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Justice online review | Who is behind the fat cat incident?

Time: 2024-05-20 13:14:23    Author: He Huimin    News source: Justice Network

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After two weeks of uproar in the public opinion, the fat cat incident finally came to a conclusion: there is no female swindle in the script story, nor is there any evil woman who is greedy for profit and forgets justice, or an infatuated man who is genuinely wrong to pay. Some are copywriting and public opinion manipulation. Today, we still mourn for the dead, but after the incident was reversed, we were very sad. Why is the sense of simple justice always abused? Why are we once again the pawns of others to raise public opinion?

In the fat cat incident, we saw that many We Media accounts were divorced from the facts and heated up gender disputes; We see that some Internet celebrities do not investigate the truth, but are eager to pay attention to the voice blog; We see that some platforms and marketing numbers are eager to "co create" a script in the idea. However, a blurted out "lie" and an elaborately set battle for public opinion are likely to make the parties suffer from the serious injury of rumors for a long time and the stereotype of "hard to wash". For the Internet public, this behavior of manipulating public opinion to trap others deeply harms the simple kindness and sense of justice of the public, and desecrates the dignity of the law.

The Regulations on the Management of Internet Users' Public Account Information Services clearly states that the public account production operators shall not fabricate false information, incite extreme emotions, commit online violence and other illegal acts. The Guiding Opinions on Punishing Cyber Violence Crimes in accordance with the Law issued by the "Two High Schools and One Ministry" also clearly pointed out that online slander and malicious marketing speculation carried out by cyber violence events should be punished in accordance with the law.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it. Today, everyone is the We Media, which does not mean that everyone has the right to spread freely. The traffic brought by We Media should become a helper of public opinion supervision, rather than a tool to retaliate against others.

At the same time, we should also reflect on how to put an end to rumors from multiple rumors reversal events? On the one hand, platforms and big TVs should consciously resist rumors and stick to the bottom line while chasing traffic. On the other hand, in the post truth era, "paying attention to the truth" should become our rational attitude towards hot issues on the Internet. Before we express our views, we should see the full picture of the facts and consciously refuse to rumor making and online violence. We should jointly maintain the clear space of the Internet and not let us become tools in others' opinion games.

[Editor in charge: Gao Wenwen]
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