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Deep in the Qinling Mountains, 3300 year old ginkgo tree is safe

Time: 2024-03-14 08:26:49    Author: Hao Xue, Zhou Yan, Zhao Hang    News source: Justice Network

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The millennium ginkgo tree stands in the Qinling Mountains (photographed in November 2023).

In Shiyaoba Village, Yuhuangmiao Town, Liuba County, Shaanxi Province, in the hinterland of the Qinling Mountains, there is a 3300 year old super protected ancient tree - ginkgo tree. According to the ranking of relevant forestry experts, this tree ranks third in China's ancient ginkgo biloba and first in northwest China. This extremely precious ancient tree, however, once encountered a survival crisis.

In September 2022, the procurator of Liuba County Procuratorate found that the twig was entangled with sundries, flammable sundries were placed at the bottom of the trunk, and ginkgo tree signs and protection signs were blocked in the process of searching for clues of public interest litigation. Subsequently, the court invited representatives of Hanzhong Municipal People's Congress, members of the CPPCC and heads of relevant administrative units to serve as hearers, and held a public hearing on the procuratorial supervision case of ancient and famous trees protection. In combination with the hearing opinions, the court announced the delivery of the procuratorial suggestions to the relevant administrative units on the spot according to law.

The relevant administrative units attached great importance to it, immediately arranged the commissioner to clean up the sundries entangled on the ginkgo tree, and at the same time, added guardrails, set up signs, marked the scientific name, age and other information of the ginkgo tree, and hung protection signs for ancient and famous trees in eye-catching positions.

In 2023, the procuratorate of Liuba County will timely summarize the experience and practice of cooperative protection of ancient and famous trees in the above cases, and jointly print and distribute the "Forest Chief+Procurator General" Cooperation Mechanism with the Forest Chief Office of the county, to provide a solid institutional guarantee for the protection of ancient and famous trees in the county. With the joint efforts of the procuratorial organ and relevant functional departments, 36 ancient trees in Liuba County have been attached with the "responsibility card for the protection of ancient and famous trees", the management and protection unit and the person responsible for the management and protection have been implemented, and a new pattern of ancient tree protection has been formed, in which a special person is responsible for daily maintenance, the administrative unit comprehensively supervises, and the procuratorial organ regularly supervises.

"The ginkgo tree has been repaired and is now in good condition. The sundries on the tree have been cleaned up, and the protection sign for ancient and famous trees has also been hung." In March, everything recovered. The procurators of Liuba County Procuratorate once again walked into the depths of the Qinling Mountains, and saw that the 3300 year old ginkgo tree has sprouted in the spring wind, adding a lot of life to Shiyaoba Village.

Article/Picture: reporter Hao Xue, correspondent Zhou Yan, Zhao Hang

[Editor in charge: Xie Siqi]
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