This well prepared competition is our best gift to you

2020/02/28 22:04
Number of readings 279

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|Editor: Corrie
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We firmly believe that if everyone lights up their own light, the world will be brighter.

Hack for wuhan Hacker Horse Sending is just such a public welfare activity. We try to make a contribution to the fight against epidemic by holding a public welfare activity called Hack for wuhan Hacker Horse Sending.

At present, the activity is in hot progress. We sincerely invite every partner with ideas to contribute their own strength.

The Hack for wuhan hacker marathon aims to:

Call on more people to participate in and create works in the form of product prototype, coding, user experience design and business/social impact model to fight against the COVID-19 epidemic.

In addition, we should encourage social innovation, help fight the epidemic with open source collaboration, and create shared value among volunteers, institutions, enterprises and platforms.


Competition process

Hacksong contest has been opened. The detailed process of the contest is as follows:

Stage 1: Warm up

February 28 March 5 Beijing time

From February 28 to March 5, an online "Hack for Wuhan Master Course" was held, where famous tutors interacted with the applicants via video.

From February 29 to March 4, online "lightning speech", contestants can sign up freely to introduce ideas and recruit teammates through a 3-minute passionate speech.

At 17:00 on March 5, the registration of team formation and participating events is closed. Wuhan 2020 community will invite qualified teams to enter the preliminary round of the next day before 23:59 of the same day.

The group can speak freely and choose the contestants according to their preferences to communicate with the contestants and instructors.

Tips: Hack for wuhan master class has been opened, which can be added through the QR code below.

Scan the code to enter the master class (you need to sign up for Hacker Song)

Hacksong activity group has also been created. You can scan the code to add robot Rob2020 to learn more about the event details:

Stage II: Preliminary

March 6-7 Beijing time

Each team needs more than 3 people.

Tutors will open one-on-one tutoring time every day, and the team will make an appointment in advance to interact with the team online

The preliminary contestants will submit the project proposal to the tutor group for evaluation before 23:59 on March 7, Beijing time, and will notify the teams that have entered the final before 6:00 on March 8, Beijing time.

The preliminary tutor will send the winners to the final. The participating teams can discuss and answer questions through WeChat group, Slack and RunTheWorld virtual space.

Tips: Requirements for teams participating in the preliminary round:

Each team shall have at least 3 people. It is preferred to submit the resumes of members, and basic project information shall be provided.

The following information is preferred;

Have a clear description of the project background;

Clearly describe the problems to be solved or user requirements;

Have a certain understanding of customers or markets or have conducted research.

Stage 3: Final

March 8, Beijing Time

The final team will polish the final speech or demonstration scheme with the tutor from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. on March 8, Beijing time.

The final team will hold the final roadshow from 12:00-14:00 on the same day, and the judges will give their opinions on the spot.

The award will be held from 14:00-15:00 on March 8.

Work submission:

1. Participants fork the main project to their respective accounts;

2. The git warehouse of fork under the respective account of the contestant clone, self built the competition branch, and completed the production of works locally;

3. Push the work branch to the remote branch under their github account, and the community can vote for the competition team through star.

The participating teams submit the pr to the official competition project warehouse, and write down the submission information.

Submission rules:

Format of PR submission title: Track team name work name team members;

Submitted content: Complete works, work introduction documents, system introduction videos;

The form of preliminary work documents can be: ppt、word、 Video;

The finals are live roadshows through online video defense.


Activity questions

The general theme of Hack for wuhan Hacksong Contest is "Solving the Social Crisis and Challenges Behind the Epidemic with Digitalization and Open Collaboration".

The competition encourages works to focus on data and product development, and also welcomes relevant science popularization and social solutions to public crises. The following content scheme is for reference only!

1、 Data development and product application for epidemic situation

§ Data annotation scheme
§ Data model construction
§ Data visualization
§ Product application
2、 Positive science popularization of the epidemic

§ Video
§ Music
§ Posters
§ Art
3、 Other solutions to this public crisis

§ Materials: material supply, material dispatching, etc
§ Personnel: testing scheme, psychological adjustment scheme, etc
§ Information: timely public dissemination of information, identification of authenticity, etc
§ Collaboration: personnel online and offline collaboration management scheme, etc

Specific examples: contactless meal delivery, blockchain verification, data processing system (online database linkage to access medical and living materials), personal information tracking (GPS activity trajectory analysis of contact risk in epidemic areas, traffic number wifi hotspot tracking).


Guest lineup

You don't need to worry about the technical support behind this event, because we have a strong guest lineup!

The judges and mentors led by Ms. Fang Aizhi, the founding partner and CEO of Zhenge Fund, and Ms. EVA WOO, the charity and social innovation leader from Stanford:

Stanford CS celebrities and their team-mates, top VC investors, CEOs of well-known companies, well-known technology giants such as Tmall's former technical director, Silicon Valley uncle and the author of Silicon Valley Thinking, and online celebrity product managers such as Han Chen

Let's not introduce them one by one. See the picture for details:

Anna Fang

Founder Partner and CEO of Zhenge Fund

Eva Woo

China Project Manager of Stanford PACS

Big Joe

Google Product Manager

Xiaoyin Qu

CEO of Run The World

Han Chen

Software engineer of Silicon Valley factory

Chun Jiang

Scale AI Product Designer

Huimin Liu

Senior Manager of Microsoft Cloud and AI Strategy

Jason Gui

Founders of Vigo and Vue

Sean Wang

Facebook Software Engineer

Claire Li

Pinterest Senior Software Engineer

Matt Zhao

Goggle Software Engineer

Product area

A free set of shooting products

Tianyu Bao

Uber Product Manager

Xander Wu

Hack for wuhan Initiator

Borui Wang

Founder and CEO of Pungent Xiutu

Gordon Cheng

Lawyer Wilson Sosini

Jaggie Zhu

AI product director before byte jump

Tianyu Wu

Facebook Advanced Product Design

Jack Duan

Founder and CEO of Xiangying

Klaus Wang

Sequoia Capital VP

Peter Qian R&D Director

Xuwen Cao

Partner of Miracle Maker

Kate Jia

Senior product designer of debicebook

Wen Han

Jinsha River Venture Capital, investor

Huan xu

Continuous entrepreneur

Mystery guest

More guests please wait


Resource support

Focusing on this theme, the conference will co sponsor to provide certain resource support and technical guidance:

IBM Developer fully supports Wuhan 2020

IBM Developer provides developers with free IBM cloud platform support, scenario based open source applications, and regular online technical expert sharing to help you develop solutions better and faster.

To register an IBM cloud platform:

View a large number of free open source applications based on business scenarios:

IBM also provides developers with a 120 day trial of IBM LinuxONE - blockchain platform to facilitate competitors to build blockchain applications and networks.

Sound network

A free quota of 10000 minutes per month is provided for all developers.

It provides education, video conference and other multi scene demo source code and online technical support.

The minutes involved in the public welfare project of Wuhan 2020 are free for life

Introduction to Kaiyuan News Agency

The Open Source Society is a manufacturer neutral, volunteer and non-profit open source alliance organized by enterprises, communities and individuals at home and abroad who support open source in accordance with the principle of "contribution, consensus and co governance", aiming to jointly create a healthy and sustainable open source ecosystem and promote the Chinese open source community to become an active participant and contributor of global open source software. We focus on open source governance, international integration, community development and open source projects.

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