Mingshi Capital: 2020 Open Source Summit │ May 17

2020/05/10 21:06
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|Reprinted from: Mingshi Capital
|Editor: Chen Meimei
|Design: Ye Xiuyuan

The world's top technical experts gathered to discuss the hottest technology topics, open source, cloud native, and edge computing. The next generation of cloud computing architecture era is fully open. Everything is in the "2020 Open Source Summit". This is part of Mingshi Capital's live online series of activities "Beijing meets Silicon Valley". Based on the current strong interest in open source, we have carefully invited a group of influential experts in the industry to explore new opportunities from the perspective of technology and business model innovation. Starry sea, waiting for you to set sail!

This event will be held on the Zoom online at 9:00 a.m. Beijing time on May 17 │ 6:00 p.m. Pacific time on May 16. If you are an engineer, founder or aspiring entrepreneur who is interested in learning about open source opportunities, please scan the code immediately to register!


Opening remarks
Huang Mingming, founding partner, Mingshi Capital

keynote speech
Chris Aniszczyk, COO, Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Forum 1: How to use the open source ecosystem to build the next generation product technology architecture?

Todd Papaioannou, Co Founder, Edgeworx (dialogue host)
Zhang Jun, chief architect of Cloud Native, Tencent
Huang Dongxu, co-founder/CTO, PingCAP
Zhang Lei, senior technical expert of Cloud Native, Alibaba Cloud
Shen Zhijie, Hadoop PMC, Google

Forum 2: OpenCore - new generation cloud computing business model

Higinio Maycotte, CEO, Molecula (dialogue host)
Tao Jianhui, founder, Taosi Data
Sameer Al-Sakran, CEO, Metabase
Liang Sheng, CEO, Rancher Labs
Sang Wenfeng, founder, Shence Data

Q&A session

distinguished guest

*Forum guests are sorted by the first letter of their English names

Chris Aniszczyk (speaker)

Chris is the chief operating officer of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and the vice president of the Linux Foundation, focusing on developer relations. Before that, he was the open source director of Twitter, created Twitter's open source software plan and led their open source work. For many years, he has also served as a representative of the developer community and the Java Community Process (JCP) Executive Committee on the board of the Eclipse Foundation.

Todd Papaioannou (moderator of forum 1)

Todd is the CEO of Edgeworx and consultant to Scale Asia Ventures. Before joining Edgeworx, he was a resident entrepreneur of Data Collective VC and Battery VC. Todd is the most famous big data expert who once served as the CTO of Splink, the chief cloud architect of Yahoo!, the vice president of Teradata and the director of Gleenplum. He holds a doctor's degree in artificial intelligence and distributed systems from Loughborough University, UK.

Higinio “H. O. "Maycotte (moderator of Forum 2)

H. O. is a serial entrepreneur and a writer of Forbes. He founded many innovative enterprises from scratch, such as RateGenius, Flightlock, Finetooth (now Mumbai), Texas Tribune, etc. Before he founded Molecula, Umbel, another data analysis company, was acquired by MVPindex. H. O. graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a major in computer science.

Zhang Jun

Bobby, chief architect of Tencent Cloud Native, is responsible for the system architecture and open source innovation of Tencent Cloud Native and container. Bobby has rich experience in the cloud computing industry. He used to be the general manager of Docker China, director of VMware China Advanced Technology Center, and technical director of IBM Singapore Research Institute. Bobby is the co-founder of the open source project of Harbor Cloud Native Image Warehouse. Harbor is the first open source project from China to enter the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), and has been widely used in various cloud native computing environments. Dr. Bobby graduated from the Computer Department of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Huang Dongxu

Huang Dongxu is an open source enthusiast. Long before PingCAP was founded, Huang Dongxu, as a basic software engineer of Peapod, participated in the development of Codis, an open source distributed cache service based on the well-known open source project Redis.

Tao Jianhui

Tao Jianhui, who graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1994 and has a PhD in astrophysics from Indiana University, is a serial entrepreneur.

Since 1997, he has been engaged in the research and development of 2.5G, 3G, WiFi and other wireless Internet in Motorola, 3Com and other companies in Chicago, the United States, and is a top international wireless data expert. In March 2008, he returned to Beijing to establish Hexin, which is dedicated to providing mobile Internet IP Push and IP real-time messaging services. In September 2010, Hexin was acquired by the world-famous chip manufacturer Lianfa Technology. At the beginning of 2013, we started our business again, founded Happy Mommy, created a model of "hardware+application+service", and focused on intelligent hardware and maternal and infant health services. In March 2016, Happy Mommy was acquired by Pacific Network.

Zhang Lei

Zhang Lei, Alibaba Cloud native senior technical expert&technical consultant, CNCF official ambassador, senior member and joint maintainer of Kubernetes project.

Sameer Al-Sakran

Smeer Al Sakran is the co-founder and CEO of Metabase. Before creating metabase, Sameer served as CTO of Expa and Blackjet. He also served as a resident data scientist at General Catalyst. He holds a master's degree in scientific computing and computational mathematics from Stanford University.

Liang Sheng

Liang Sheng is the co-founder and CEO of Rancher Labs. Before founding Rancher, he was the co-founder and CEO of Cloud.com, and served as the chief technology officer of Citrix Systems cloud platform after the acquisition. Liang Sheng has more than 15 years of experience in building innovative technologies. He started his career as a Java software engineer at Sun Microsystems, and later co founded Teros (the company was acquired by Citrix in 2005), and led the large engineering teams of SEVEN Networks and Openwave Systems. Liang holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Science and Technology of China and a doctor's degree from Yale University.

Sang Wenfeng

Sang Wenfeng, founder and CEO of Shence Data, is the author of Data Driven: From Method to Practice. In April 2015, he left Baidu and created Shence Data, and launched Shence Analysis, a user behavior analysis product for enterprise users, to help enterprises achieve data driven.

Shen Zhijie

Shen Zhijie is a senior engineer of Google. Shen Zhijie is an open source preacher, big data expert and blockchain enthusiast. He has more than six years of open source software development experience, is a PMC member of the Apache Hadoop and Samza projects, a core contributor to the IoTeX project, and a member of the Apache Software Foundation and incubator mentor.

Supporting agencies

*Sort by first letter of name

Huayuan Science and Technology Association

Huayuan Science and Technology Association was founded in 1999 by the first generation of Chinese technology entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. Its purpose is to promote exchanges between China and the United States through science and technology, and cultivate the next generation of global scientific and technological innovation talents. Its president has successively been Chen Hong, Deng Feng, Zhu Min and other well-known Chinese entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. The current president is Chen Lifeng, former president of Wensihai Hui. As the most influential non-profit organization in the field of scientific and technological exchanges between China and the United States, HYSTA has gathered tens of thousands of members, and the annual annual meeting has attracted well-known American people, including former Vice President Al Gore of the United States, President of Microsoft Ballmer, and others to give speeches. HYSTA has greatly helped Chinese Americans improve their visibility and influence in American society, and promoted in-depth exchanges between China and the United States in the field of high-tech industries. In 2002, Business Week magazine in the United States called HYSTA "the bridge between Chinese business stars and the United States".

MIT Chinese Entrepreneurs Association

MIT Chinese Entrepreneurs Organization, MIT CEO) is a non-profit organization founded by students and alumni of MIT and Harvard, as well as young entrepreneurs and professionals around Boston. It is committed to helping Chinese entrepreneurs around MIT and North America build world-class enterprises, and creating a long-term docking mechanism between Chinese high-tech enterprises and high-tech enterprises around MIT, Build a platform for efficient docking and exchange between high-quality investment institutions and entrepreneurs in Boston and North American Chinese.

Scale Asia Ventures

Scale Asia Ventures is an American venture capital company headquartered in Menlo Park, which provides support for global technology entrepreneurs to expand their business in Asia.

Think No

SegmentFault Sifou (sifou. net) is a leading new generation developer community and technology media in China, as well as the largest Hackathon organizer in China. At present, it has covered and served tens of millions of Chinese software developers and IT information practitioners.


The Chinese Entrepreneurs Organization (CEO) Chinese Entrepreneurs Association was founded by Stanford University students and alumni in Silicon Valley in 2008. It aims to connect Chinese entrepreneurs who are starting and are preparing to start their own businesses. With Silicon Valley as the core, it communicates and connects overseas venture capital resources. We firmly believe that technology will change the future and innovation will drive development.

TGO Kunpeng Association

TGO Kunpeng Association is an organization for gathering and communicating scientific and technological leaders under Geek Technology Technology VP and other scientific and technological leaders serve as the service objects, adopt the real name paid membership system, and strictly review the membership, aiming to build a global peer learning and growth platform for outstanding talents with technical background, combine online and offline, and connect the learning and growth of outstanding scientific and technological leaders. At present, there are more than 1000 members of the TGO Kunpeng Association, and more than 60% of them are technical leaders with more than CTOs and technical VPs, covering various industries such as enterprise services, life services, Internet finance, etc. At the same time, the enterprises of TGO members include start-ups, unicorns and front-line Internet giants. Typical enterprises include Ali, Tencent, JD, Youzan, Himalaya, Yiguan, Fluent, etc.

At present, TGO has established branches in 12 cities around the world, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Silicon Valley, Taipei, Suzhou and Shenzhen. The mission of TGO Kunpeng Association is to help members become outstanding technology leaders, and its vision is to build a global platform for peer learning and growth of outstanding talents with technical background.

Huang Dongxu and Tao Jianhui are members of the TGO Kunpeng Association.

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Introduction to Kaiyuan News Agency

The Open Source Society is a manufacturer neutral, volunteer and non-profit open source alliance organized by enterprises, communities and individuals at home and abroad who support open source in accordance with the principle of "contribution, consensus and co governance", aiming to jointly create a healthy and sustainable open source ecosystem and promote the Chinese open source community to become an active participant and contributor of global open source software. We focus on open source governance, international integration, community development and open source projects.

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