Twilight Blog

Be careful of what you hate, because you are likely to be shaped by it

Notes of this week - 20220515

life 29 comments

One blogger is missing from the friendship link, and one yellow net is added

Today, I checked the survival status of each blog in the friendship link, and found that there are a number of blogs silently ending their life cycle.

In the face of these closed blogs, I usually keep them for a long time, because I am not sure whether they are temporary failures or permanent loss of contact. After all, "corpse fraud" has occurred several times. This year is the ninth year that Twilight Blog has existed. I saw some old blogs fall down, and some new blogs established and fell down. Some familiar blogs are closed, and I am approaching this state.

Speaking of checking the friend chain, if only a few blogger friends lose contact, it is not a new thing. What's creepy is that a friend's blog was robbed by pornographic websites. I was calm at first, but my heart was beating wildly for several times. Fortunately, no one was around. After watching a few uninteresting videos, I decided to write this matter into my notes.

Goodbye, old friend; Hello, Brother Huang Wang.

Sell Moutai

Maotai at home was supposed to be stocked for the Spring Festival, but it will be sold when the market is good. However, recently, the market price of Maotai Liquor has been somewhat unstable, and it also occupies a place at home, so we simply sell it as soon as possible.

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So I sold it today.

A Surprise Apple After Sales
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  1. According to your time, it is estimated that my, which has been closed for a period of time, is now turned into a D-ball. I will report it first...

    1. @Jonty

      The old friend chain has been added back icon_redface.gif

      1. @Kangaroo

        The old friend chain has been added!

  2. I wonder where you can sell Maotai?

    1. @Pick up wind

      Sorry for the late return. Maotai recycling is already a mature industry chain. Almost every city has traffickers. It is not difficult to find these traffickers.

  3. Lucida

    Hi icon_smile.gif

    1. @Lucida

      Hey Lucida, how's it going?

  4. POIUZ

    Come and have a look when you are free icon_redface.gif

  5. I just saw Huangnet in the friendship link of Shifeng.
    I used to have many domain names, but many of them were registered to become Huangwang without renewal.

    My family used to have a box of Moutai. It should have been given to my father before he retired. He drank it again and again.

    1. @Greenwood

      Didn't tell me at the first time that I was afraid of being harmonious

  6.  icon_redface.gif A small face blushes

  7. I can't help seeing the first paragraph of the title. The blogger is very interesting. icon_redface.gif

  8. Head portrait shows how dragon icon_lol.gif

    1. @Look

  9. Several of the links have been blocked.

    1. @Wood Hsien sen

      It's normal, ha ha.

  10. It's amazing to win so many Moutai

  11. From time to time, there will always be some abandoned blog domain names in the friendship link that have been bought to become a yellow station. Fortunately, they are not traffic stations, otherwise they don't know how many sandboxes they will be closed.

    1. @Pick up wind

      Ha ha, I was submitted to the Cyberspace Office by someone who wanted to, and I think it's enough to drink a pot of wine.

  12. I also "enjoyed a few paragraphs". My willpower is not firm, hahaha~
    These bottles of Moutai in the picture. Why not open one and sell it again icon_redface.gif

    1. @Ancient is

      In the face of such websites, I always maintain the idea of "coming all the time". icon_arrow.gif
      These Moutai are too expensive and only suitable for reselling. If you open them yourself, you will feel distressed after drinking.

  13. These days, young people's blogs are always mixed with duality and fancy. The older generation feels very old again. Only simple elegance can resist the invasion of time. Adherence and selfless dedication are the biggest problems of our times. I thought I would wait for the dazzling WEB3.0, but I didn't expect to wait for an ocean full of junk information. I feel it when I pass by.

    1. @SugarHope

      Well said icon_cool.gif

  14. It seems that he is talking about me,
    No, my previous website has been registered as a sports broadcast station.

    1. @Mr. Chou

      Ha ha, it's not you. It's very yellow and violent.

  15. Ha ha, have you collected the brother's website.

    1. @Lao Zhang's Blog

      Ha ha, it's not in the eye of the law icon_redface.gif
