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Intranet penetration based on FRP.

get ready

One external network server

One intranet client


first. Introduce FRP

Frp is a high-performance reverse proxy application that can be used for intranet penetration, and supports tcp, udp, http, and https protocols. Github Chinese document link 】If you can use github, you may want to check the official website documentation to understand all the functions.

When the blogger first contacted frp. It can only use TCP, http, and https protocols. Since it has always been necessary to penetrate UDP, we have studied OPEN * * * and used it for a long time.

Now turn back and find that frp has been updated! It also supports UDP penetration. And this software is a very standard green software.



Download Linux or Win according to your own needs, without distinguishing between the client and the server,

In compression package

[frps] is the server

[frpc] is the client

The. ini file with the same name as the program is a configuration file. Full disregard




The running content of WIN is the same as that of Linux, and it is not repeated

The blogger uses Alibaba Cloud ECS and installs Linux. The blogger doesn't know about Linux

After SSH logs in to VPS, upload frps and frps.ini (frps. exe for win)

Then edit frps.ini

bind_port = 22001
privilege_token = 123123123123

Three simple lines. The first line of common must have

The second row of client connection ports. The client connects to this port. Do not conflict

The third row is verification to avoid being abused by intentional people. Must be the same as the client

Linux should pay attention to improving permissions for frps.

Enter the directory where frps is located

function  chmod 755 ./ frps that will do

Then run/ Frps - c frps.ini When you see the word Start frps success, the startup is successful.

The background running will be discussed later. Do not close SSH first, but call the client first



Copy frpc.exe and frpc.ini

Edit frpc.ini

server_addr = cn2.guoguomiao.com

; Server address
server_port = 22001

; Server port
privilege_token = 123123123123

; Please be the same as the server

; The following ports need to be penetrated. Here is an example. If necessary, you can query Chinese documents~or leave a message to ask

type = udp

; Type of protocol penetrated
local_ip =

; Local address after penetration
local_port = 34197

; Local port after penetration
remote_port = 22002

; The port on the server after penetration


After saving. Run with cmd and no error is reported. You will be prompted to bring a new work connection for * * * proxy. The words indicate success.


Intranet penetration succeeded. You can try to see whether the intranet can be opened correctly on the server first!


Background running server

nohup ./frps -c frps.ini >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Background operation

Supplement: For the always running service, if there is no corresponding stop command, you can use ps - ef | grep<service keyword>to view the service process number, and then use kill - 9<server process number>to force the stop.




score five , full marks 5-star
one ticket
fabulous one
After reading and collecting, you can find it next time
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  • Article link: https://moe.xin/1041.html [ copy ](Please indicate the source and link of this article when reprinting)
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  1. Looks like I'm going to publish an article about raspberry pie intranet penetration :lol:

    #1st floor
    1. @ Feng Xiaoxian I choose the device that needs intranet penetration

  2. It is better to have a public IP address~

    #2nd floor
    1. @ Windward parting leaf index It's actually useful. Reduce cross network delay, hahaha