Classification: Daily talk

Who is that, Steam The road to survival Can we play together?

Delete or cancel Telegram account
  1. Open Web Site
  2. Enter the mobile phone number of your account in the "Your Phone Number" column;
  3. Fill in the "Confirmation Code" column with the verification code received by the Telegram system notification of the Telegram account, not the SMS verification code;
  4. Click the "Sign In" blue button;
  5. Fill in the "Why are you leaving" column at will;
  6. Click the blue button "Done";
  7. The account is permanently deleted.
At 16:33 on August 17, 2023 0 comments • 1.58k readings
Too many WordPress redirects
Add the following code at the beginning of the php file wp-config.php in the root directory of the website:

 $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on'; define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true); define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
At 15:47 on October 2, 2022 0 comments • 1.98k readings
Automatic parsing of VIP video (no member is required to watch the video)
The strongest VIP video automatically parses the Blu ray player, which is suitable for Apple, Android, and PC, without logging in or jumping to a new website, Open the official website to view directly , Blu ray 4K has no advertisement random watermark.
The mobile terminal can use Alook, X browser and other browsers that can install scripts.
Automatic parsing of VIP video:
PC side use: Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Opera Next and Firefox.
If you use Grease Monkey for the first time, the browser needs to install the script manager.
Install the Tampermonkey script manager and download the corresponding browser version.
Then install the VIP automatic parsing script: VIP video automatic parsing script
09:31, September 5, 2022 0 comments • 3.23k readings
View WIFI password
Press WIN+R, enter cmd

 netsh wlan show profiles
 Netsh wlan show profiles "wifi name" key=clear
At 23:34 on June 27, 2022 0 comments • 1.13k readings
Turn the website into black and white
Add the following code at the front of the CSS file: Appearance - Customize - Add additional CSS.

 html { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grayscale=1); -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%); }
Telegram solves the problem that domestic mobile phone numbers cannot be trusted privately
  1. private letter: @SpamBot
  2. Input: /start
  3. choice: But I can’t message non-contacts!
  4. choice: No, I’ll never do any of this!
  5. Input: I can’t chat with non-contacts

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