Delete or cancel Telegram account
  1. Open Web Site
  2. Enter the mobile phone number of your account in the "Your Phone Number" column;
  3. Fill in the "Confirmation Code" column with the verification code received by the Telegram system notification of the Telegram account, not the SMS verification code;
  4. Click the "Sign In" blue button;
  5. Fill in the "Why are you leaving" column at will;
  6. Click the blue button "Done";
  7. The account is permanently deleted.
At 16:33 on August 17, 2023 0 comments • 1k readings
 Office10/13/16 software activation
Activation related

Office10/13/16 software activation

Select {phone activation} in the office activation wizard. Record the installation ID. Open the web page to activate the web address, fill in the 7-digit input box with the installation ID recorded in the previous step, then click {Submit}, and the confirmation ID will be displayed after a while. Fill in the confirmation ID obtained in the previous step, and then click Next. Windows/Offi…

Too many WordPress redirects
Add the following code at the beginning of the php file wp-config.php in the root directory of the website:

 $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on'; define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true); define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
At 15:47 on October 2, 2022 0 comments • 1.45k readings
 The beacon of human civilization: scientific Internet access using X-UI panel
Using Tutorials

The beacon of human civilization: scientific Internet access using X-UI panel

The system in this paper is Debian9: One click DD to replace/reinstall the pure version of the VPS server. Debian9 has a one click installation script implemented by various gods, which reduces the difficulty of building to a certain extent: the beacon of human civilization (scientific Internet access) is built using the panel, which has the advantage of: due to the UI interface, the information display is quite