One day tour of Benxi Guanmen Mountain National Forest Park

None but Li Seven years ago (2017-08-25) 0 comments
Summary: Last October, the company organized a trip to Guanmen Mountain in Benxi. In fact, I still like to travel, especially to see the scenery along the way, which is far happier than when you arrive at the destination. Gather at 5:00 in the morning (starting from Shenyang)

Last October, the company organized a trip to Guanmen Mountain in Benxi. In fact, I still like to travel, especially to see the scenery along the way, which is far happier than when you arrive at the destination. Gather at 5:00 in the morning (Shenyang departure) and arrive at Guanmen Mountain at exactly 8:00 or 9:00. According to the principle, I should take my camera with me, but I was too lazy to take it, so I charged up my mobile phone and set out.

When I arrived at Guanmen Mountain, I regretted it. The scenery in early autumn was so refreshing. So I went all the way and took photos. Today, I did not have anything to do. I found some photos that I could use to commemorate:

1. This was taken on the bridge when I returned in the afternoon.

2. What canyon was this shot in? The current is very clear, and you can see the gravel at the bottom of the river

3. The mobile phone almost fell on the water when shooting...

4. If the water is clean, there will be no fish.

5. Shot when climbing!

6. Here comes the finale. This photo is my favorite. "When I will be the top of the mountain, I will see all the small mountains". In addition, I participated in the Meizu "One Leaf Knows the Autumn" photography activity and won the Excellence Award!

7. The current flies down three thousand feet. Ha ha, it's not that high, just two or three meters.

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Author: None but Li Address: Published 7 years ago (2017-08-25)
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