Location - Wulihe Park, Shenyang

None but Li Seven years ago (2017-08-04) 12 comments
Summary: Covering a total area of 126 hectares (including 12 hectares for Hexin Island), the park integrates cultural, leisure and entertainment functions and is the largest urban riverside park in Shenyang. The construction of the park is mainly based on plant gardening, which is divided into natural landscape area, cultural leisure area, entertainment service area, and different birds

Covering a total area of 126 hectares (including 12 hectares for Hexin Island), the park integrates cultural, leisure and entertainment functions and is the largest urban riverside park in Shenyang. The construction of the park is dominated by plant gardening, which is divided into natural landscape area, cultural leisure area, entertainment service area, exotic bird ecological area, landscape area along the road, wetland ecological area, main entrance area and other major areas. The hundred meter music fountain, Longxi, artificial beach, Wulihe dock square, central square and other landscapes in the park all draw on advanced design concepts at home and abroad, and can be rated as first-class in China.

It is also worth strolling in Shenyang Wulihe Park. I went to Wuli River with my wife and two friends the other day and took some photos.

The second picture is of unknown flowers and plants.

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Author: None but Li Address: https://mip.001666.cn/blog/261.html Published 7 years ago (2017-08-04)
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