Evaluation&training services

Consulting related services

  • Tel.: 010-65368285
  • Fax: 010-65368285
  • Commissioner: 18901060010
  • Email: data@people.cn
  • Address: Floor 4, Building 9, People's Daily, No. 2, Jintai West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

<Evaluation Service>

A generative AI compliance assessment method and technical system have been established. The evaluation is conducted in the form of question and answer, and a large-scale high-quality evaluation question bank with authoritative sources, rich fields, strong representativeness and comprehensive investigation points is established. From more than 10 dimensions such as value orientation and ethical safety, scoring and comprehensive evaluation are carried out in the way of human-computer integration, and risk changes in the evolution process of AI system are continuously tracked and observed.

<Training Services>

Regularly organize training and exchange activities in the field of artificial intelligence services. The setting of training courses and communication directions focuses on the development of artificial intelligence and the relevant issues related to the political direction, value orientation, public opinion orientation, etc. involved in the generation of large model content; It can be customized for different users such as company executives, strategic planning teams, research and development teams in the direction of policy interpretation, industrial research, and science and technology frontier.

Resource Services

Industry trends

Cooperation consultation: 010-65368285