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  • How to optimize SEO? Analysis of future SEO optimization direction

    In the Internet industry, traffic acquisition methods and channels are always emerging one after another, but there are not many methods that can truly thrive. SEO optimization has become one of the most popular promotion models on the Internet due to its free and accurate characteristics. Although SEO technology has been updated iteratively at a high speed, the core points of future SEO optimization will not change. 1. User experience is always the first good user experience and the best way to improve the SEO optimization effect. Only when the page content meets the user's needs (to give visitors a good impression), will they forget to leave your website, making the website's bounce rate extremely low, greatly increasing

  • Excellent MIP website templates recommend a collection of very classic MIP theme templates

    As we all know, the launch of Baidu MIP has attracted a large number of webmasters, and the launch of Baidu MIP has still become a revolution in the search engine field. Whether it is an enterprise website or a personal website MIP, it is a work that has to be done, either to transform the original website or to upgrade the website to a MIP website, There are different advantages between the original website and the website revision and upgrading MIP. I will not comment here, but the network still recommends website revision and upgrading mip. The specific reason will not be repeated here, because this article mainly recommends several excellent MIP templates/MIP themes

  • What aspects should website SEO optimization focus on?

    Do you occasionally feel confused when reviewing some seo practitioners or your own work content? Will you think: After all the content that SEO should pay attention to has been completed, what can I do besides sending out links? In particular, Baidu's algorithm was greatly adjusted in 2017, and many non quality external chains were not used as a reference for ranking. At this time, do you think: what should be done to optimize now? What else can I do without being an outside chain? Of course, for some Daniel, although in some company systems, the required time and working time can spare a lot of time for other things without delaying normal work. For example, we media and others improve themselves

  • How to select keywords for enterprise website SEO optimization

    Many enterprises only know the importance of the website when building a marketing website for themselves, so it is good to directly select a few core keywords when selecting keywords for the website. However, in the later stage of website operation, they found that many keywords of the website layout could not be optimized, so they went to select appropriate keywords for the website to optimize, At that time, the website is no longer suitable for changing keywords in a large scale, so it can only be changed appropriately. When building a website, enterprises should choose keywords and place them on the relevant pages. Then I will share how to choose keywords for the enterprise website

  • What should we do if we reduce the authority of the website? What are the reasons for dropping the authority of the website?

    In order to understand the reasons why the website has been demoted or blocked, first of all, we need to deeply analyze the factors that cause the site to be blocked. In essence, search engines do not have specific conditions for the so-called K site to be blocked or blocked. And the website right reduction and the website being K belong to two different phenomena. The most obvious phenomenon of weight reduction is that the page is still included, but the ranking results of your own page cannot be found when the whole title or a keyword is searched. Compared with the right reduction of the website, the website will be simpler and more direct. There is only one intuitionistic phenomenon that a website is included by K, that is, the webpage is in a good state, and it is regarded by K

  • Seven abilities required by top website SEO optimizers

    Nowadays, more and more people are engaged in seo industry, but there are not many top seo personnel. Many people engaged in the seo industry just to find a job and get a stable life, without a deep excavation of the seo industry practitioners themselves. There are also many people who want to become a top seoer, but they can't do it. Today, Pan seo from Chongqing will share with you how to become a top soeer, and what abilities does a top seoer need? We summarize the following seven points. 1. Seo knowledge Seo's knowledge is not much, but

  • How to do SEO work plan for novice websites

    However, the network often hears SEO staff who just started saying that they are confused, unable to start, and do not rank according to the rules. A website has no ranking, and the boss often looks for tea. Today, Kehu Network tells you that choice is more than effort. If you want to give up SEO, you can do it, because there are too many ways to traffic, and SEO is just one of them. Let's take a look at some new SEO plans. 【1】 Make a learning plan, stick to your learning plan, and constantly summarize it, which will enable you to go further than ordinary SEO. Set a goal every day, such as reading an SEO related blog every day

  • Tips for website SEO optimization

    If you want your website to get a good ranking and attract more effective customers, website optimization is inevitable. But many enterprises do not have professional SEO optimization personnel, and want to host the website to some optimization companies, but feel uneasy. So can we optimize the website ourselves? Of course, the following can teach you how to improve your SEO skills. 1、 Choosing keywords is a very important job in website optimization. Many novices often choose some popular words, but these words are very competitive, especially some national ones

  • What is the relationship between Baidu index and Baidu weight

    But the network recently saw such a problem: the new station can reach Baidu's high weight in a short time, mainly through the query of Aizhan. Previously, some SEO peers used webmaster tools to analyze a site with a weight of 6 in nine days under the title of Shenzhan. In fact, they did 301 redirection, which reflected Baidu's fast response to 301. That's all. Some of the cases provided on the forum are through some black hat techniques, so as to achieve a rapid increase in the weight of Baidu. I don't know whether you still remember Langyu's forum. Although his forum now has a weight of 8, it has the power over webmaster tools

  • How to operate the website without closing

    Closing the website can be said to be a fatal blow to SEO optimization, as well as a very serious impact on the user experience, especially for sites that have been launched and officially operated, although Baidu now also provides site closing tools, which can be retained in the index library of search engines, reducing the impact on search engines to the lowest, which is not a perfect solution. In fact, no matter there are many ways to record website domain names on the Internet, it is a bit confusing, even chaotic, but it is undeniable that it can be used, and can be successfully recorded without closing the website. At present, the domestic regular transportation

  • Detailed explanation of SEO diagnosis tutorial

    What is website SEO diagnosis? Generally speaking, website SEO diagnosis is just like going to see a doctor. Doctors use different drugs for different diseases of different people. The same is true of website SEO diagnosis methods. There are many diagnostic items, various and complex methods, and many website SEO diagnosis contents. That is to say, before optimizing and promoting the website, SEO personnel analyze the overall SEO situation of the website, propose website optimization strategies through diagnosis, or develop website optimization plans. So website SEO diagnosis is a very important step before website optimization. Website does not include, through SEO diagnosis

  • Which sites need to submit mobile adaptation?

    The trend of mobile Internet has also led almost all websites and traffic to mobile devices, while traditional PC websites have also turned to mobile terminals and started to match mobile sites. Even Baidu has launched MIP specifications to improve the optimization and acceleration of mobile sites. For the webmaster, mobile sites may need to involve technology development, And whether sub domains such as m/wap are used, and whether mobile adaptation rules need to be submitted to search engines? What is mobile adaptation? First of all, the network thinks it is necessary to talk about what is mobile adaptation. Baidu search resource platform provides a service called "mobile adaptation"

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