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What should we do if we reduce the authority of the website? What are the reasons for dropping the authority of the website?

In order to understand the reasons why the website has been demoted or blocked, first of all, we need to deeply analyze the factors that cause the site to be blocked. In essence, search engines do not have specific conditions for the so-called K site to be blocked or blocked. And the website dropping right and the website being K belong to two different phenomena. The most obvious phenomenon is that the page is still included, but the whole title or a certain key word When searching, you can't find the ranking results of your own pages. Compared with the right reduction of the website, the website will be simpler and more direct. There is only one intuitive phenomenon for a website to be K, that is, the page is in a good state of inclusion, and after being K, the page becomes unlisted.

 What should we do if we reduce the authority of the website? What are the reasons for dropping the authority of the website? Website Optimization Page 1

There are many factors that affect the ranking of SEO websites, but most of them are used to improve the ranking of websites. In the above figure, we can clearly see that the site whose authority has been demoted cannot find its own site by searching the entire title, while the site whose authority has been demoted is not included. Whether it is domestic or foreign search engines, the sites with relatively stable ranking results basically follow the SEO standardization specification (for details, you can go to Baidu Webmaster College to learn more about the complete guide to search engine optimization). And every reason that affects the ranking decline is nothing more than the various cheating algorithms or non-standard SEO behaviors that triggered the search engine. Based on the above cases, the following summarizes 7 factors and solutions that affect SEO website optimization and power reduction.

Factors affecting website authority reduction:

1. Click to cheat

The reason why click cheating is put in the first place in reducing the right is that most of the current SEO market is controlled by the so-called quick ranking click. If the standardization generated by clicking is not properly operated (including click rate, click track, click cycle, etc.), it will turn effective clicking into cheating clicking, which is one of the reasons why many friends brush off their website rankings when doing click brushing. However, click cheating will not lower the overall rating of the page like other reasons for right reduction. It will only lower the ranking of the keywords currently clicked by cheating. The search website title can be searched most of the time.

Solution: Generally, the recovery period of website keywords is 1-2 months, or even longer, after clicking the trigger of cheating. The solution is to avoid invalidity as much as possible Outer chain And low quality page content. Add high-quality content from the site to improve the trust and value of the site, which can speed up the restoration of authority reduction.

2. Link cheating

When we execute too many external links, especially when we cannot purchase links, it is very easy to cause the site to be demoted. The most obvious feature is that the overall keyword ranking of the site drops. This is also the biggest harm of link cheating. Clicking cheating is only for the decline of the ranking of cheating keywords. The following figure is a recent experiment, which added a large number of one-way friendship links in a short time, resulting in a total decline in site ranking (if you do not have a deep understanding of the search engine link analysis algorithm, even if you master a large number of high-quality external chain resources, it will effectively become cheating). The search page title does not have its own site, and the screenshot is as follows:

 What should we do if we reduce the authority of the website? What are the reasons for dropping the authority of the website? Website Optimization Page 2

The figure above shows that the entire title search can not find their own site, and it should be explained slightly here that many SEO people think that the site's home page is not on the home page, which is considered to be a right reduction. In fact, this is an incorrect SEO answer. If the home page of site data is not in the first place, it may be because of power reduction, or it may be because the weight (credibility) of the inner page is greater than the trust of the home page, resulting in the home page not in the first place. For example, in the above figure, the website homepage is in the first position of the site, but the website has been in the state of authority reduction.

Solution: The best way to deal with link cheating is to revoke the current cheating links and build a large number of high-quality content to enhance the trust of the page. If anything is positive, it will be negative. When you are more positive than negative, the natural ranking will be restored and improved.

3. Keyword stacking

Keyword stacking is not just about the title keyword stacking of the website, but more about the keyword stacking in the web content. Although many SEO knowledge points have mentioned that the keyword density should be controlled between 2% and 8%, in fact, this answer has no reference basis. There is only one real keyword stack, that is, naturalization. For example, even if the density of keywords on a page exceeds 8%, the uneven distribution of keyword frequency will seriously affect the ranking of keywords and trigger cheating.

Solution: In case of cheating in keyword stacking, in addition to properly reducing the frequency of keywords, more importantly, control the distribution of keywords. For example, a web page is constructed by multiple DIV sections, so that the X times of keywords can be evenly distributed among the sections of the web page.

4. Too many dead links

The website power reduction caused by dead links is very serious, and the answer to the problem is very simple. After a user visits the website, he finds that the site page content is in 404 or invalid link status, which will seriously affect the user's browsing experience. The search engine will naturally reduce the quality score of the site page, thus affecting the site's right reduction.

Solution: Properly regularly clean up dead links on the site pages, especially some exchanged friendship links on the site. If the ratio of invalid links on a page exceeds a certain percentage, the right reduction of dead links will be triggered.

5. Website is hacked

Website blackout is a very serious way in the site's right lowering behavior. In most cases, website blackout is a site invasion and a large number of gray industry pages are displayed, which is also called parasitic way in black hat SEO behavior.

Solution: In this case, the first way is to conduct 360 security detection through server or site vulnerabilities to find the corresponding website hanging pages, and delete all the pages. Then submit the dead link function of Baidu webmaster platform, which can basically handle the right reduction behavior in this way.

6. Poor page quality

Page quality is the core point that affects the website's right reduction, especially the recent hurricane algorithm. A large number of garbage information collection pages will be processed by K stations for the collected pages, and a few sites will reduce the right of the home page or the collected pages. For example, the demonstration of power reduction in the first case of this article is due to the fact that news information contains a large number of low-quality news.

Solution: Careful SEO optimization In fact, people can find a problem. Some sites include 100 pages, build an index of 100 pages, and participate in the ranking of 100 pages. But some websites have included 10000, and only dozens or hundreds of people actually participate in the ranking. Basically, this phenomenon is caused by low quality pages. If you want to make the website ranking stable and normal, try not to publish spam information at will, which will affect the overall quality of the site. If the high-quality pages are larger than the low-quality pages, the ranking of such sites will be stable.

7. Associated factor

There are two kinds of associated factors. The first is the same IP site. A large number of websites in the same IP site (the same server site) belong to the cheating state (such as the site cluster and its own site with the same IP server), which will affect the unstable ranking of its own website. The second is the exchange of friendship links. Many times we exchange friendship links. If the other party's site is in the state of cheating, it will also affect the ranking of its own site.

Solution: Properly check the site data of friendship links regularly, exchange the ranking of pages (for example, the home page is exchanged), and determine whether the same IP server believes that the site group is cheating. It is also recommended to use independent IP for site storage, which is conducive to website SEO optimization and not affected by site cheating.

Factors affecting website popularity:

In most cases, the website is blocked due to the combination of multiple behaviors of the above seven conditions. The simple power reduction is only caused by a certain reason. For example, the second case of K in this article is because the predecessor of the site has made a gray industry, and the site has published a large number of cheating external links (the external links generated by the spider pool) and collected all the website content.

In combination with the above seven kinds of SEO right reduction behaviors, if your own website encounters right reduction, you can basically conduct troubleshooting and diagnosis from the above seven directions. Strictly speaking, the ranking is very stable due to the natural optimization that really conforms to the SEO specification. The fluctuation or decline of ranking is often caused by these reasons.

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