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How to make a website rank stably

Many webmasters often ask: Why was the website ranking still on the home page yesterday, but today when I check the ranking again, I can't find it... or the ranking is unstable and changes frequently? First, there are many factors that affect SEO, such as server, website structure, website content, website Outer chain There are many things to wait for, so to have a stable ranking, the first necessary condition is to ensure that these factors affecting SEO are stable! So how to get a stable ranking?

Many webmasters who do SEO often ask such a question: Yesterday my ranking was still ahead, why can't I find it today when I check the ranking again? There are many factors that make the ranking unstable. Let's talk about it in detail today.

1. First, there is a stable and high-speed server

 Frequently asked questions about how to make a website rank stably

The server is very important to a website. In my opinion, stability is more important than speed! Of course, the opening speed of the website cannot be slower than that of a snail! Personally, the domestic ping value is within 100ms, and the overseas ping value is within 250ms, which is acceptable! Then some people ask why we don't use domestic ones because they are fast at home?

In fact, many people use foreign space. First, they don't use beian because today's beian is more troublesome than the previous two years; Second, there are few restrictions. I'll give you a classic example. A friend wrote on his blog that "I need a * server". In the result space, because of the sensitivity of "Taiwan. Independence" key word I shut down the website

The stability of the server is really important. If you don't believe it, try it. If you shut down the website for two or three days, the ranking will drop immediately! At the same time, there is also a problem of friendship links! I remember that I had a website where there were a lot of friendship links. As a result, the server was shut down for two days due to problems. When I came up to check friendship links, it became my one-way link... Because many webmasters got up in the morning to check the external links. If your website couldn't be opened, he thought you wouldn't do it or removed his links

2. Stable website structure

The website title, keywords and description count! The stable structure here does not mean that the website cannot be modified. It is not allowed to change in a wide range or frequently, which is bad for the ranking of the website! Similarly, the title, keywords and description of the website cannot be changed frequently. If you change frequently, it will not only reduce the ranking, but even the home page will be K! Especially the title of the website! So when a new website submits to a search engine, it is necessary to design the title and structure of the website at one time, and do not change it frequently! Many webmasters have a habit of changing the source code directly in the background of the server's website, which is not good, because it can be uploaded after being changed once!

3. Stable website content

The so-called website content is actually to maintain a stable website update frequency! Many stations like original articles. They write articles regularly every day. Otherwise, they will not reprint articles! I don't think it's necessary. First of all, I personally think that the starting point of updating the website should be users, not search engines! So it's better to present an original article to the readers with content today. It's also good to turn into a very excellent article when there is no content! What I personally don't like most is putting some pseudo original works above but not below! In addition, the most important issue here is the update frequency. It is not that more is better every day, but how long can you stick to this frequency! It must not be too hot.

4. Stable outer chain

The outer chain is for the emperor. I'm afraid that none of the people who do SEO are suspicious. If I were to choose one factor that has the greatest impact on SEO, I would choose the outer chain! Like the previous server, website structure and website content, we can do these things with a little attention! But the outer chain is different. The outer chain is more about skills than resources! Of course, here I am not talking about the method of obtaining the outer chain, but how to obtain a stable outer chain! For example, you have been using the public blog to maintain your website, and you have sent several articles every day, and then added anchor text links. As a result, one day the administrator will shut down your blog, so there is no doubt that you will lose a lot of external links. This is one reason why the outer chain is unstable! So, the premise of obtaining a stable external chain is to make your website links appear in the network all the time! Here I say that I think the best way is to raise an independent site! Add links to the main website you want to do through these websites, because the right to delete these links is here!

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