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Why do websites build external links?

Why do you want to make external links

1. Improve website relevance: relevance is the most important indicator of the quality of search results. When a search engine appears, it is mainly based on the elements on the page, that is, page title, visible text key word Labels, H labels, boldface, etc. Now the import of link content relevance and tracing text has become one of the most important factors in the search engine's judgment of relevance and ranking algorithm.

2. Improve weight and trust: In addition to domain name age, website size, originality, etc., the most important factor in forming weight is external links. If your website has imported links from high weight websites, your website weight will undoubtedly increase to a higher level.

3. Promote website inclusion: According to data and research, the number and quality of external links play a crucial role in driving the total number of pages included by a domain name, which is also the reason why many classified information websites are still exchanging friendship links on the inside pages.

4. Bring traffic and transformation: a good friendship link can make your products and services known to more people, improve the popularity of the website itself, and also provide accurate traffic and transformation for the website.

 Why do websites build external links? common problem

Outer chain Benefits of construction

1. The more the number of backlinks, the better the ranking!

2. High weight pages have a greater impact on rankings, and quality is far more important than quantity!

3. Links increase too fast, hey hey, it will enter the sandbox period!

4. Links from related content websites have a greater impact on rankings, while links from unrelated websites have a small impact!

5. The content of the backlink page can also improve relevance

6. Backlink tracing text is one of the important factors affecting ranking!

7. The search engine can actually distinguish the navigation, body and bottom area of the website according to the calculation, so the external links in the body are the best links

8. Externally linked domain names: the longer the domain name is included, the better the quality. However, the weight of the domain name really begins to accumulate after it is included for the first time. The domain name that has changed hands will be re evaluated.

9. Whether the content of the linked page changes. If the theme of the linked page changes, the effect of the link will be greatly reduced!

10. The earlier the links appear, the stronger the ranking ability will be. The suddenly increased links will enter the trial period.

11. If the reverse link is modified, it will give the search engine the impression of deliberate optimization!

12. Whether the other links of the reverse link are relevant. If the other links of the reverse link have high weight, then the weight you can get will rise accordingly!

13. Quality of external links: blog comments and forum signatures belong to low quality external links. If a website is mostly such external links, it means that the quality of external links of this website is very low!

14. Click through rate and visit depth of links: an external link can bring traffic and transformation, which is really a valuable and meaningful external link!

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