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How does a small website improve user access through the bear palm?

How can new stations meet user needs and achieve rapid growth of traffic through personalized services.

"New stations, small stations", "more detailed fields", "no idea how to spread high-quality content" key word This is a problem that almost every website owner will encounter at the beginning. Lack of traffic, no users, and do not know how to retain and convert into cash.

As a flower encyclopedia focusing on content knowledge in the field of flower maintenance, it has also been deeply troubled by these problems. But they have found another way to operate Bear's paw Within 5 months, the website's UV rose by 300% year on year, and users retained more than 60% of their performance.

 How does a small website improve user access through the bear palm? Website Operation Page 1

The increasing exposure of Huabiao (above)

We will follow their three-step development to interpret the breakthrough path of Flower Encyclopedia:

I Introduction of technical ability: aim at users' pain points, take photos and identify flowers to attract users

II Service capability expansion: help map reading, launch IM consulting and mall services

III The consolidation of content capability makes technology and services take root

I Introduction of technical ability: aim at users' pain points, take photos and identify flowers to attract users

Imagine this scene. When the company went out to build a group to climb a mountain, the goddess suddenly pointed at a flower and said, "How beautiful! What kind of flower is this?"? In a crowd of male colleagues, you silently opened the Flower Encyclopedia and took a photo... A minute later, you walked to the goddess. This flower is called XXX, belonging to XX family. The benefits that can be brought to girls are the following three points, namely... "In the eyes of goddess worship, you slowly walk back to the crowd and hide your merits and fame.

People are always curious about the unknown. In particular, there is a common but unknown plant in life. The ability to take photos and recognize flowers can be said to firmly grasp the pain points of users.

 How does a small website improve user access through the bear palm? Website Operation Page 2

These capabilities can also be opened and used normally outside Baidu APP (above figure)

After only one week's development and debugging time, Huabaike successfully accessed Baidu's AI map reading ability. The upgrade from content to technical services was successfully completed.

Because of the improvement of user experience and the improvement of problem solving ability, the overall UV of the website has increased by nearly 300% compared with that before the Bear Palm.

II Service capability expansion: help map reading, launch IM consulting and mall services

Many resource parties told us that it was really difficult for users to keep their operations. It was not easy for users to collect the site, but they lacked the means to directly activate users. These sites are often difficult to open for the second time. Faced with this problem, even the Flower Encyclopedia, which can attract a large number of fans due to its demand for flower recognition, has the same problem. So, how do they retain and promote their fans? Here, the answer given by Huabaike is to improve the closed-loop service with the help of the bear's paw.

First, after the user has identified the plant. Usually, some users will have the desire to buy and plant, so on the result page, Huabaike has launched conservation methods and plant stores. Users do not have to go to other places to consult breeding methods, nor do they have to repeatedly select goods in the online mall. Flower encyclopedia helps them further extend their services.

 How does a small website improve user access through the bear palm? Website Operation Page 3

It is revealed that the purchase conversion rate of search results has exceeded 50% (above figure)

The second is the access to IM chat system, which makes it easier for users to understand knowledge, identify pictures and purchase flowers through instant communication. By inputting the plant name or picture in the chat content, the bear palm will automatically return the relevant map recognition results, plant maintenance information, etc., which has a very good effect on improving the user's stickiness. However, such a system only needs some simple automatic reply configuration of the operation background, plus the photo recognition technology interface that Huabiao has already accessed. It only took two weeks to complete such a service process.

According to statistics, the proportion of return visits from regular users has increased by 10%. The user PV of IM chat access is increased by more than 50%.

 How does a small website improve user access through the bear palm? Website Operation Page 4

 How does a small website improve user access through the bear palm? Website Operation Page 5

Intelligent customer service capability of IM dialogue page (above figure)

III The consolidation of content capability makes technology and services take root

Driven by technology+services, Huabiao has already had a fast growing engine. Everything was ready, but they stopped:

"Although technology and service capabilities are important, for vertical bear palms, our strategy of focusing on content usability will not change. We can operate our users through a variety of methods, but the core of supporting our various playing methods is still content. The more extensive coverage and higher quality, the more directly the content can meet user needs."

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 How does a small website improve user access through the bear palm? Website Operation Page 7

Comparison between the content page of Huabaike (top) and that of ordinary websites (bottom)

"For example, if the male colleague above uses our image search function and finds that he can't talk to the goddess with such information except for simple plant names, then our service is a failure."

It is with this awareness that after completing the filling of content fuel, Flower Encyclopedia successfully broke through and became a dark horse in the field of plant conservation.

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Flower Encyclopedia has more room for development (above)

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