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How to get a stable ranking for enterprise websites

Many enterprises are doing SEO optimization When I found that the ranking of my website was always unstable, I could see it on the home page later, but it fell to three or four pages after two days, and even the first few pages could not be found, which was very troublesome. It was probably because the website operation did not do the following things well, so let's take a look, If you want to get a stable ranking, you must pay attention to several points.

 How to obtain stable ranking website operation for enterprise websites

1. High quality Original content

Spider has always advocated original content, and it will also simulate human beings to detect whether sentences are smooth or whether there are typos. Therefore, it is better to continuously update the content for the website and set a unified time for uploading. Try to reprint the content of others less. Otherwise, it is easy to be punished by spiders. In short, the content should be highly relevant and highlight the key points, which can also solve user problems.

2. External link construction

Outer chain The effect of construction on improving the weight ranking is still obvious, but it is also a bit controversial. It is equivalent to a vote for you, but pay attention to quantity and quality. Blind publishing will only create junk links, and spiders will also think that the website is not trustworthy. It may be demoted. Therefore, we should pay attention to selecting appropriate forums, blogs, Q&A and other related platforms to do the external chain. Another common method is to exchange high-quality friendship links, which is also beneficial to the transfer of weight.

3. Organized internal links

When users browse the website, it is like walking into a house, and the inner chain is equivalent to the door. Only when there is a clear direction can users not feel confused and quickly find the information they want. This requires a clear and accurate inner chain, which can also attract spiders to crawl deeper. In addition, the anchor text should be set naturally. For example, if you have previously written articles in this article, you can add links to the articles involved, which also improves the reading interest of users.

4. High configuration server

The server is an important part of the website. High configuration servers should be selected within the economic range. Independent IP space is better, so that the website will be more stable and not prone to abnormal conditions. If the loading speed of a website is very slow, it will lead to a high bounce rate of the website, which is very unfavorable to the optimization of the website. In addition to optimization, regular website maintenance is also necessary.

Of course, in addition to the above four points, we must pay attention to whether the weight code inside the website is used correctly, whether the weight code layout is reasonable, and whether the website is deliberately stacked key word , whether the website has been maliciously attacked, etc.

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