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Correct posture for competitive product analysis

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be defeated. Today, I decided to talk to you about the friend we both dislike but also want to know - the competitor. So that you can quickly analyze your competitors while having a deep understanding of yourself. So, I want to ask you: How much do you know about your competitors? What kind of analysis do you usually make on competitors? I think for most people, it's just a click on an ad on the spur of the moment, not necessarily purposeful. Therefore, today's small editor will describe what should be done to the competitors in different situations from the following four situations.

 The Correct Posture of Competitive Product Analysis Online Marketing

Before project promotion

At the beginning of a project, competitors are an indicator that we have to understand, which determines our promotion strategy.

Generally, we can proceed from the following points:

01 Strength

Strength is what we must understand:

What is its budget?

What is the market share of its products?.


It determines what kind of means we take. If the enemy is strong and we are weak, it is recommended to enter the market as a latecomer and avoid confrontation;

If they are equal, there is no doubt that it is positional warfare, and what they are fighting for is ranking and user acquisition rate;

If the enemy is weak and we are strong, the strategy is arbitrary.

02 Account Strategy Analysis

Account strategy is also a necessary analysis factor, because it determines our account promotion direction.

Generally, it can be analyzed from the following four dimensions: time period key word , regions, promotion channels and equipment.

1. Time period

The ranking of different keywords can be determined by viewing different time periods.

Generally, the search can be carried out in different time periods, so that the launch time of competitors can be basically defined.

Are they mainly cast in the morning? Or in the afternoon? Do you vote at night? More importantly, their offline time can be monitored.

2. Keywords

Observe the ranking of competitors through the period of time when the industry is better transformed; Or analyze the period of better transformation through the ranking of competitors

3. Region

According to the launching region of competitors, analyze the regions with better transformation, and determine the launching direction of the company.

4. Promotion channels

It is meaningful to analyze which platforms competitors put advertisements on, such as 360, Shenma, etc.

5. Equipment

Through the monitoring of competitors, we can know what equipment they put in which period of time, so as to prepare for our future.

In addition to the above dimensions, we can also combine different dimensions for analysis.

For example, time period+region and time period+equipment are used to analyze which equipment should be put in focus in which region and in which season.

03 Selling point analysis

In addition to strength and strategy, we should also focus on the next "landing page".

The essence of knowing oneself and the enemy is to know the strengths and weaknesses of the other side and yourself, so as to better formulate strategies for attacking the enemy.

When analyzing the landing page, we can focus on the following:

  • What are the selling points of different keywords?

  • What is the conversion point of different keywords?

  • How are the different selling points connected (typesetting)?

04 Search term analysis

Search competitors according to different search terms, view the relevance of their pages and parts of speech, and conduct comparative analysis.

If all the words point to the home page, you can basically ignore the opponent; If the brand words point to the home page, the product words point to the topic page, the industry words point to the column page, and the long tail words point to the content page, we should be careful.

Routine analysis

Competitor analysis is one of the daily tasks of Baidu bidders. I intended not to do too much analysis in this case, but some novices may not understand it, so I will simply say.

But here we should remind everyone that in the analysis, we must do it purposefully and periodically rather than randomly.

1. Ranking

View the keyword ranking according to two indicators of different keywords and different periods.

2. Creativity

Keep an eye on the competitors' creativity.

3. Landing page

It determines the carrying capacity of traffic. We should always pay attention to its transformation points, copywriting and activities to avoid too big a gap with competitors.

4. Customer service scripts

It is recommended to chat with the customer service sister of the competitor if you have nothing to do, ask the customer service of the competitor about the questions often asked by the user or some difficult and miscellaneous problems, and test the communication skills and skills of the other party to learn from each other~

Adjust account strategy

If you want to adjust the account strategy, you must consider not only your own factors, but also competitors.

Since there are many directions and ways to adjust the account strategy, such as increasing or decreasing the budget, grabbing the ranking of some keywords, optimizing the page, etc., we need to make targeted analysis of a problem.

for instance

If I want to increase the account budget, we can analyze the competitors from the following points:

To which period?

Is there any time when the transformation effect is good but the competition is not so fierce.

To what equipment?

PC or mobile, which is your competitor's weakness.

To which product?

Is there any product that has been ignored by competitors or that you have an advantage over.

To which region?

Where are you stronger than your competitors.

To which keyword?

Which keywords have lower conversion cost or higher conversion rate. What are the bids and rankings of competitors for these keywords? Are you competitive.

Effect fluctuation

If the promotion effect declines, it must be to analyze the account. Competitors are also one of the factors we must analyze.

For example, your competitor diss a selling point on your landing page, or your competitor's products are doing activities, which will have a certain impact on our transformation.

If the traffic changes and we haven't made a big adjustment, we should consider whether the competitors have made changes.

  • Is there a new competitor when there is less display? And come on?

  • The click rate has decreased. Has the competitor adjusted the price?

  • The display volume and click rate have not changed, but the conversation rate is low. Click on the competitor's page to see if he has made a big adjustment?

  • The transaction rate has declined. Has the competitor optimized the transformation strategy?


Competitors are the important factors we need to analyze in advertising. On the one hand, we can learn more user information and launch information by learning about our competitors; On the other hand, through the analysis of competitors, our promotion strategy is more perfect.

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