A customized workshop for media buyers and agents who are eager to grow, led by Tyler Ellison and Liana Ling, imparts the mature strategy of creating a high transformation alliance marketing channel within one day.

Develop a comprehensive traffic and media plan for successful launch of alliance products.
Use ChatGPT and AI tools to quickly create sales channels and marketing, and easily grasp the tips of alliance marketing.
Easily create an attractive landing page and subsequent email sequence through the Alliance Marketing Simplified Edition.
Easily create eye-catching Facebook and Google ads, and get a 30 day social media plan, all in the simplified version of alliance marketing.

Discover the power of Affiliate Marketing Simplified with the AdSkills Affiliate Marketing Workshop.
Tailored for growth-seeking media buyers and agency owners, this workshop, led by Tyler Ellison and Liana Ling, empowers you with proven strategies to create high-converting affiliate marketing funnels in just a day.

Develop a comprehensive Traffic and Media Plan for a successful Affiliate Offer launch.
Leverage ChatGPT and AI Tools to expedite funnel and marketing creation, the Affiliate Marketing Simplified way.
Create a compelling Landing Page and Follow-Up Email Sequence with ease through Affiliate Marketing Simplified.
Craft impactful Facebook and Google Ads, and receive a 30-day Social Media plan, all within the realm of Affiliate Marketing Simplified.

  • Tutorial No.: 0368636133
  • Tutorial language: English/subtitle free
  • Security scanning: no virus, no plug-in/cloud killing Virustotal Virscan
  • Training institution: unknown/ IMJMJ
  • File size: 7.76GB
  • File format: video/document/text
  • Compression software: 7ZIP
  • Video playback: Perfect decoding
 │  └─Affiliate Marketing Simplified │      ├─00-Start Here │      │      01-Affiliate Marketing Simplified- Build Your Funnel In One Day.mp4 │      │      02-Live Implementation Calls.pdf │      │      03-ChatGPT for Beginners.mp4 │      │      03-Notes.pdf │      │      04-ChatGPT Prompt Document.pdf │      │       │      ├─01-Affiliate Marketing Simplified │      │      01-Notes.pdf │      │      01-Part 1 - AdSkills.mp4 │      │      02-Part 2 - AdSkills.mp4 │      │      03-Part 3 - AdSkills.mp4 │      │      04-Part 4 - AdSkills.mp4 │      │      05-Part 5 - AdSkills.mp4 │      │      06-Part 6 - AdSkills.mp4 │      │      07-Part 7 - AdSkills.mp4 │      │       │      ├─02-Bonuses │      │      01-ChatGPT Prompt Recipes for Agencies.pdf │      │      02-How Liana Structured and Built A Winning Retargeting Recipes Affiliate Funnel - AdSkills.mp4 │      │      02-Summary.pdf │      │       │      └─03-Implementation Call Replays │              01-June 30, 2023 - AdSkills.mp4 │              02-July 12, 2023 - AdSkills.mp4

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