In less than one month,
You can have a completely monetized YouTube channel,
Through advertising,
The alliance and so on gain profits.

YT Marketer is an in-depth course taught by 7-digit YouTube marketers,
Revealed how to quickly create monetized YouTube channels,
And ranking videos higher than competitors,
A large amount of revenue from advertising and promotion alliances.

In fact, you will even learn how to get free product reviews from other enterprises.

  • Tutorial No.: 0088431361
  • Tutorial language: English/subtitle free
  • Security scanning: no virus, no plug-in/cloud killing Virustotal Virscan
  • Training institution: unknown/ IMJMJ
  • File size: 2.26GB
  • File format: video/document/text
  • Compression software: 7ZIP
  • Video playback: Perfect decoding
 └─YT Marketer │  00-Welcome.mp4   ├─01-Youtube Monetization Training │      01-Resource.pdf │      01-YouTube Channel Setup.mp4 │      02-Customizing Your Channel.mp4 │      02-Resources.pdf │      03-Creating Videos.mp4 │      03-Resources.pdf │      04-Job Template.txt │      04-Outsourcing Videos.mp4 │      05-Resources.pdf │      05-Uploading Videos.mp4 │      06-Resource.pdf │      06-Watch Time.mp4 │      07-Resources.pdf │      07a-Subscribers Part 1.mp4 │      07b-Subscribers Part 2.mp4 │      08-2nd YouTube Channel.mp4 │      08-Resource.pdf │      09-Updates.mp4 │      10-Getting Approved.mp4 │      10-Resource.pdf │      11-3 Week Results.mp4 │      12-Analytics & Ad Types.mp4   └─02-Youtube Ranking Training 01-Understanding YouTube.mp4 02-Resources.pdf 02-Video Optimization.mp4 03-Boost Your Rankings.mp4 03-Resource.pdf 04-Adding CTR.mp4 04-Microworkers Template.txt 05-Microworkers Subscribers Template.txt 05-MW Advanced.mp4 06-Approving MW Tasks.mp4 07-Case Study #2.mp4 08-Keyword Research.mp4 09-What's Next.mp4

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