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 Sci Hub: knowledge for everyone

Sci Hub: knowledge for everyone

five hundred and seventy-five 2023-02-26 17:59:58
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 Sci Hub: knowledge for everyone

Website Introduction

Sci Hub website. Free access to academic journals. Download free research papers from ScienceDirect, IEEE, Wiley, Springer, Nature and others.

Sci Hub is the most controversial project in the scientific community today. The goal of Sci hub is to provide all scientific knowledge free of charge and without restrictions.

Sci Hub was originally just a tool for quick access to scientific journal articles - these articles are the main media for knowledge dissemination in today's scientific community. Now Sci Hub has grown into a database storing 88343822 research articles and books - anyone can access, read and download them for free.

In the past, such knowledge was marked with a high price that most people could not afford. Sci Hub has revolutionized the scientific community by providing all paid knowledge for free.

Millions of people around the world have unlocked the door of knowledge through Sci Hub. They come from all over the world, not only from underdeveloped areas. Many Sci Hub users come from the United States and Europe. You can view the statistics

Sci Hub is very popular among scientists. Students use Sci Hub to carry out their research projects and complete their graduation papers.

Sci Hub also helps journalists, start-ups, and all people who love learning new things.

Medical Science

Many medical professionals rely on Sci Hub because there are abundant medical journals on this website.

Sci Hub provides help for disease diagnosis and treatment: free information can save people's lives.

Open Access

Sci Hub is part of the "Open Access Campaign" in the scientific community. The movement, which began in the 1990s, is a protest against the rising prices of academic journals: university libraries can no longer afford heavy journal subscription fees. Librarians and researchers advocate making access to knowledge free or cheap.

The high price of academic journals is unreasonable and is caused by the similar monopoly mechanism in academic publishing. But the shocking fact is that the authors of articles in academic journals hardly get any money from their work.

Sci Hub is part of the most radical - and currently the most successful - open access movement.

Legal protest

Sci Hub has been hit by many lawsuits from academic publishing companies. They insist that Sci Hub is illegal, and accuse Sci Hub of infringing copyright and providing piracy. Affected by legal proceedings, Sci Hub was blocked in some countries.

The position of Sci Hub is that this project is completely legal, while the restriction on access to information and knowledge is not. The current operation of academic publishing is a large-scale violation of human rights.

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