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 International online _ read international likes of China

International online _ read international likes of China

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 International online _ read international likes of China

Website Introduction

International Online (www.cri. cn) is a central key news website hosted by China Central Radio and Television (CCTV). It spreads around the world through 44 languages (excluding the four dialects of Guangke and Minchao). It is a multi application and multi terminal website cluster with the most languages, the most widely spread regions, and the most influential people in China.    

Relying on the extensive information channels and media resources of China Central Radio and Television (CCTV), IOL has more than 40 foreign correspondent stations around the world, and has established good cooperation relations with institutions in China from many countries. It has developed into an international new media platform with a strong information collection network and diversified communication channels.    

Relying on its unique global resources, IOL focuses on building business lines such as news, cities, enterprises and tourism, and provides international information and marketing services to users at home and abroad with cross regional, cross language and cross cultural needs.     

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