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 Gitee - Git based code hosting and R&D collaboration platform

Gitee - Git based code hosting and R&D collaboration platform

two thousand four hundred and ninety-five 2022-10-13 12:55:20
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 Gitee - Git based code hosting and R&D collaboration platform

Website Introduction

Discover practical and interesting open source projects

Gather excellent local open source authors

There are all kinds of open source projects

Multidimensional index aided identification of open source maturity

Web IDE makes it easy to browse code intuitively

Participate in open source contribution

Feedback to help improve open source projects

Work together to realize ideas and create excellence

Focus on discussion

Efficient code review

Witness growth with code

Code is the best proof of technical strength

Precipitate and continuously improve your own code

Time will witness your growth

Gitee Features

1. Free for individuals, free for private warehouses, and free for 5G warehouses

2. Online IDE, support Git version management, modify and submit code anytime, anywhere

3. API document generation, Java/PHP code API document, automatic generation and browsing

4. Code quality analysis, Pull Requests automatic quality, analysis and warehouse complete code analysis

5. Code clone detection, analysis of language structure, and similarity detection of two projects

6. Gitee Pages, free static web hosting, supports Jekyll, Hugo, Hexo, etc

7. Lightweight Pull Request can be submitted quickly without Fork, and it is easier to participate in open source contributions

8. WeChat nailing integration, WeChat and nailing receive account login, task assignment, PR and other notifications

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