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 Claude in Slack \ Anthropic

Claude in Slack \ Anthropic

four hundred and sixty-four 2023-07-10 10:27:40
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 Claude in Slack \ Anthropic

Website Introduction

Anthropic is an AI safety and research company that's working to build reliable, interpretable, and steerable AI systems.

Anthropic is an AI security and research company; We are striving to build a reliable, interpretable and controllable AI system.

Claude can remember your entire Slack thread or pull content from websites you share with it. Think of Claude as a friendly, hard-working addition to your paid workspace - speak to it naturally and give it very specific instructions about exactly what you’d like it to do. Watch Claude iterate on the task at hand, just like an engaged employee.

Claude can remember your entire Slack thread, or extract content from the website you share with it. Think of Claude as a friendly and diligent supplement to your paid workspace - naturally talk to it and give very specific instructions on what you want it to do. Look at the task at hand of Claude Iteration, just like a dedicated employee.

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