Use browser script to make real-time disaster recovery backup for WordPress background articles

» Technical toss » Use browser script to make real-time disaster recovery backup for WordPress background articles

Based on the technology of js, we can save the input records of the website editor in real time, and the cache of backup records can prevent the tragedy caused by unsaving.





Technical Principles

Script Usage


After the script is installed, open it. On the background article creation or editing page, you will see a one button restore button next to the media button. Enter text in the text box, close the page, and then reopen it. Click the restore button to restore the previously entered content.


The above dynamic diagram needs to be viewed after clicking

Particular attention

One thing to note is that when you need to back up after closing the web page, you must first perform the backup and restore operation. Do not click the text box or enter text, or the newly entered text will overwrite the previous backup content. In addition, after clicking Restore, the script will automatically clear the cache. Therefore, there is only one chance to restore the article, not a second chance.

Related Links

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