Recommended bookmarks for website visualization test [Modify]

» Free resources » Recommended bookmarks for website visualization test [Modify]


Today, Yunluo recommends a responsive web page testing tool. Here is a small bookmark. In fact, it is a foreign version. Then Yunluo simply modifies it to remove resources that cannot be used in China. In short, it replaces Google's front-end resources with domestic Baidu's front-end resources, and then downloads the core js to my Qiniu. My Qiniu traffic still has a lot of traffic, So it should be usable.
 javascript:void((function(d){if(self!=top||d.getElementById('toolbar')&&d.getElementById('toolbar').getAttribute('data-resizer'))return false;d.write('<! DOCTYPE HTML><html style="opacity:0; "><head><meta charset="utf-8"/></head><body><a data-viewport="320x480" data-icon="mobile">Mobile (e.g. Apple iPhone)</a><a data-viewport="320x568" data-icon="mobile" data-version="5">Apple iPhone 5</a><a data-viewport="375×667" data-icon="mobile" data-version="7">Apple iPhone 7</a><a data-viewport="414×736" data-icon="mobile" data-version=" 7+">Apple iPhone 7 Plus</a><a data-viewport="600x800" data-icon="small-tablet">Small Tablet</a><a data-viewport="768x1024" data-icon="tablet">Tablet (e.g. Apple iPad 2-3rd, mini)</a><a data-viewport="1280x800" data-icon="notebook">Widescreen</a><a data-viewport="1920×1080" data-icon="tv">HDTV 1080p</a><script src=" "></script></body></html>')})(document));




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