7Z beautified version: excellent open source decompression software

» Windows » 7Z beautified version: excellent open source decompression software

It is said that it is the compression software with the highest compression ratio, and also the leader of open source software



Recently, I was looking for a decompression software. I think it's a bit heavy. 360 compression is a bit annoying. So I want to find a software that is small, practical and not rogue. Then the open source software 7z came into my view, but I also know the urine of the open source software, and the interface is poor. However, the beautified version of 7Z found is good (in fact, it beautifies the shrink pack icon)

Software Introduction

7-Zip software is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License and is a completely free compression and decompression software. 7-Zip is a free and open source decompression software. The command line options have powerful setting functions and are very suitable for backup. How to do this will be introduced. 7-Zip without graphical interface will be used, and the operation is completed through the command line. One of the advantages of this is that the entire software program has only one file, which is suitable for carrying around in the USB flash drive and easy to operate.
——From《 Baidu Encyclopedia

Software features

First of all, as an open source software, there is no doubt about its security. It supports common rar and zip, and its 7z compression ratio is the highest. Compared with other decompression software, there is absolutely no hooligan behavior. Anyway, it is more suitable for me! In addition, all compressed packages on this website are in 7z format.

Related Connections

[gb href=' https://ocdn.gitcafe.net/wp-content/uploads/201801242059445.7z '] Software download [/gb]


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