The paging list call problem of WordPress custom article type

» WordPress » The paging list call problem of WordPress custom article type

I have introduced you how to create custom article types in Wordpress. For details, see – WORDPRESS Custom Article Type: Add Announcement Function  。 However, when I was working on a project recently, I found a paging list of custom article types( previous_posts_link next_posts_link )It cannot be called. After going back and carefully checking the bulletin page of our website, this problem also exists, and the paging list cannot be obtained (the automatic infinite paging function of our website is invalid, which has been perfectly solved by the following methods.)


After searching on the Internet, we found that there are many such problems, but most of them appear abroad, and it is estimated that there are few such problems found in China. Through searching for information, I finally found a solution. I would like to share it with you here. I hope that I can give you a solution to this problem.

Usually, after creating a custom article type, we create a new page in the background and call it through the page template. The paging code appears in the page template. Our general calling code is:

 <? php        $loop = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'projects' ) );         while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post();  ?>      <!--  Other codes --><? php endwhile; ?>  <nav>    <?php previous_post_link('&laquo; '); ?>    <? php next_post_link(' &raquo;'); ?>  </ nav>

Through such calls, the article can be displayed completely. However, the following pages are not displayed and the syntax is correct. In fact, we need to understand that wp_query I will not introduce the usage of. I will talk about it later when I have the opportunity. Let's take a look at the solution and change the above code to the following:

 <? php     $temp = $wp_query;     $wp_query = null;     $wp_query = new WP_Query();     $ show_posts = 4;  //How many post you want on per page    $permalink = 'Post name'; // Default, Post name    $post_type = 'projects';      //Know the current URI    $req_uri =  $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];        // Permalink set to default    if($permalink == 'Default') {    $req_uri = explode('paged=', $req_uri);      if($_GET['paged']) {    $uri = $req_uri[0] . 'paged=';     } else {    $uri = $req_uri[0] . '&paged=';    }    //Permalink is set to Post name    } elseif ($permalink == 'Post name') {    if (strpos($req_uri,'page/') !==  false) {    $req_uri = explode('page/',$req_uri);    $ req_uri = $req_uri[0] ;    }    $ uri = $req_uri . 'page/';      }      //Query    $wp_query->query('showposts='.$ show_posts.'&post_type='. $post_type .'&paged='.$paged);     //count posts in the custom post type   $count_posts = wp_count_posts('projects');       while ($wp_query->have_posts()) : $wp_query->the_post();     ?>      <!--  Other codes --><? php endwhile;?>    <nav>    <?php previous_posts_link('« ') ?>    <? php    $count_post = $count_posts->publish / $show_posts;      if( $count_posts->publish % $show_posts == 1 ) {    $count_post++;    $count_post = intval($count_post);    };       for($i = 1; $ i <= $count_post ; $i++) { ?>    < a no numeric noise key 1012 href="<? php echo $uri . $i; ?>"><? php echo $i; ?></a>    <?php }    ?>    <?php next_posts_link(' »') ?>    </ nav>      <?php     $wp_query = null;     $wp_query = $temp;  // Reset    ?>

The above code can change the fixed link according to your needs $permalink , also $post_type Change to the name of the custom post you created.

Code source: Designphilic

Reprinted from: The paging list call problem of WordPress custom article type




<?php        $loop = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'projects' ) );        while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post();  ?>      <!-- 其他代码 -->     <?php endwhile; ?>  <nav>    <?php previous_post_link('&laquo; '); ?>    <?php next_post_link(' &raquo;'); ?>  </nav>


<?php     $temp = $wp_query;     $wp_query = null;     $wp_query = new WP_Query();     $show_posts = 4;  //How many post you want on per page    $permalink = 'Post name'; // Default, Post name    $post_type = 'projects';      //Know the current URI    $req_uri =  $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];        //Permalink set to default    if($permalink == 'Default') {    $req_uri = explode('paged=', $req_uri);      if($_GET['paged']) {    $uri = $req_uri[0] . 'paged=';     } else {    $uri = $req_uri[0] . '&paged=';    }    //Permalink is set to Post name    } elseif ($permalink == 'Post name') {    if (strpos($req_uri,'page/') !== false) {    $req_uri = explode('page/',$req_uri);    $req_uri = $req_uri[0] ;    }    $uri = $req_uri . 'page/';      }      //Query    $wp_query->query('showposts='.$show_posts.'&post_type='. $post_type .'&paged='.$paged);     //count posts in the custom post type   $count_posts = wp_count_posts('projects');      while ($wp_query->have_posts()) : $wp_query->the_post();     ?>      <!-- 其他代码-->      <?php endwhile;?>    <nav>    <?php previous_posts_link('« ') ?>    <?php    $count_post = $count_posts->publish / $show_posts;      if( $count_posts->publish % $show_posts == 1 ) {    $count_post++;    $count_post = intval($count_post);    };      for($i = 1; $i <= $count_post ; $i++) { ?>    <a no numeric noise key 1012 href="<?php echo $uri . $i; ?>"><?php echo $i; ?></a>    <?php }    ?>    <?php next_posts_link(' »') ?>    </nav>      <?php     $wp_query = null;     $wp_query = $temp;  // Reset    ?>




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