Simple way to solve the typing problem of iPhone 4 under iOS7

» Technical toss » Simple way to solve the typing problem of iPhone 4 under iOS7

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After the official release of iOS 7, many iPhone 4 users who have upgraded to the new system complained about the high delay in typing, even calling the keyboard "takes 5 to 15 seconds". Recently, a foreign netizen named Samsamsamsam gave a reliable solution.

简单办法来解决iOS7下iPhone 4打字卡顿-极客公园

It's actually very simple to solve the problem of iPhone 4 typing jam. According to Samsamsamsam, users only need to log in to iCloud, and then turn off the "Documents and Data" item in the settings to successfully solve the problem. "I know it's weird, but it really works," he said.

Surprisingly, Samsamsamsam's solution won 100% praise. All iPhone 4 users who encountered this problem said that the delay problem was "perfectly solved" after trying it. One netizen replied that he almost lost confidence in his iPhone 4 before, but fortunately this method worked well.

Another user said that if the iPad encounters the same situation under iOS 7, this method can also be used.


要解决iPhone 4打字卡顿的问题其实很简单。根据Samsamsamsam的说法,用户只需登录iCloud,然后在设置中将“文稿与数据”这一项关闭,问题就可以得到圆满解决。“我知道这很怪,但真的有用。”他说。

令人惊讶的是,Samsamsamsam给出的解决办法获得了100%的好评。所有遇到这个问题的iPhone 4用户在尝试之后都表示延迟问题“完美解决”.一位网友回复说,他之前差点对自己的iPhone 4失去了信心,还好这个办法好使。

另外有用户称,如果iPad在iOS 7下遇到了相同的情况,也可以用这个方法解决。

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