New function of iOS7: AppStore finds popular apps nearby

» Technical toss » New function of iOS7: AppStore finds popular apps nearby

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As the seventh version update of Apple's system, iOS 7 ushered in the biggest change ever. For example, in the new App Store, a new function to search for apps near users has been added. This function is very useful when traveling. For example, when you travel, you can use this function to search local bus maps and other applications, which is very convenient. Here's how to enable it:

Step 1: Click the "App Store" icon from the iOS7 desktop environment to enter


Step 2: click the channel name "My neighborhood" in the opened default App Store interface


Step 3: After entering, continue to click the text "Show my nearby popular apps"


Step 4: Click the "OK" button in the pop-up prompt dialog box. After a while, it will help us search for the desired results, and you can synchronously implement the download operation


Click the "Free" button at the back to download


第二步:在打开的默认App Store界面下,点击“我的附近”频道名







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