Get Baidu Post Bar BDUSS with various postures

» Technical toss » Get Baidu Post Bar BDUSS with various postures

This article is probably the most comprehensive way to obtain BDUSS on the Internet. Those who often toss and paste it should be familiar with the key value of BDUSS



Cookies are often known on the Internet, and one of the keys in Baidu's cookies that can be used as an account login status is BDUSS. Here are some good methods

Online extraction BDUSS tool for obtaining BDUSS method

Baidu BDUSS online acquirer

Click the link to log in your Baidu account on the page and copy BDUSS in the pop-up window

Tools are Giuem (Bug bar, little bar, beauty Sang 😆 ) It should have no security problems. If you don't feel secure, you can use the following methods

Firefox browser for obtaining BDUSS method


▲ Firefox browser clicks the earth icon in the address bar, click More, pop up the window and click Security - check the cookie - find the part-time job of BDUSS in the cookie, right click all the codes in the following content, copy and save them.

Get Chrome browser of BDUSS method


▲ Press F12 on the Chrome browser, and the operation panel comes out from the bottom of the screen - select Resources - find cookies on the left - find the key value of baidu.tieba - find BDUSS - select all to copy.

Get the small bookmark method of BDUSS method

 javascript:(function(){if(document.cookie.indexOf('BDUSS')<0){alert('%E6%89%BE%E4%B8%8D%E5%88%B0BDUSS%20Cookien%E8%AF%B7%E5%85%88%E7%99%BB%E9%99%86%20 '); location.href=' ';} else{prompt('%E6%82%A8%E7%9A%84%20Cookie%20%E4%BF%A1%E6%81%AF%E5%A6%82%E4%B8%8B:',%20document.cookie);}}) ();
▲ Add the above code to the bookmark bar and add it as a bookmark. Click on the post bar page to copy the cookie directly. The cookie is copied instead of bduss, but generally the cookie contains the bduss key value. If bduss is necessary, it can be copied

If you can't find the bookmark bar, see

How to open bookmark bar in different browsers

Get the mobile sqlite editor of BDUSS method

Android phones must first ROOT

Follow the picture instructions to enter sqlite editor → _ → enter the post bar client column → _ → select baidu_tieba.db → _ → select account.db → _ → enter the account list, select the account → _ → click the small pencil, edit it → _ → select the BDUSS column → _ → copy all.

Obtain the computer software version of BDUSS method


Download and obtain BDUSS software
[v_organge] This software is provided by the unknown wise man who signed in to the open source post bar cloud [/v_organge]


Post bar BDUSS marks an account login status. With BDUSS, you can log in, post, operate, etc. without an account and password. So don't disclose BDUSS to others during post bar play.


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