Another cloud sign in: unknown post bar cloud sign in

» Technical toss » Another cloud sign in: unknown post bar cloud sign in

Another cloud sign in - nameless post bar cloud sign in, getting rid of the trouble of manual sign in



The famous post bar sign in assistant officially announced that it would stop development and subsequent technical support. What's more, the sign in API would also stop service soon. It is urgent to find a substitute for the sign in assistant of the post bar.

Procedure description

This is a database saving and efficient Baidu Post Bar cloud check-in program
Cloud sign in can automatically sign in without logging in to the computer, which is so convenient.
It is faster, lighter and more database efficient than similar software; The specially designed responsive interface allows you to use it happily on any terminal. Support ordinary host/ACE/BAE/JAE/SAE, etc

matters needing attention:

1. Not applicable to hosts that do not support MySQL i
2. The environment should be PHP+MySQL
3. For MySQL database address, it can be filled in as follows: database address: port, which is generally unnecessary
4. As for cloud platforms, V3.1 does not have such things.
5. Carefully install plug-ins not from official stores

Installation instructions:

For ordinary hosts, please run/setup/install.php
For BAE/SAE/JAE/ACE environment, please manually modify config.php, and then run/setup/install.php to install


1. Basic automatic check-in function
2. Auto post bar data table (it can solve the problem of garbage host limiting the number of records)
3. Plug ins are supported, and they think that there are relatively complete mount points
4. Support the setting of batch sign in or one-time sign in (it is recommended that good hosts use one-time sign in, and low-end hosts should be ignored)
5. Responsive design, no pressure on mobile phones
6. For the sake of low-level hosts, it saves the database and has the function of regularly optimizing tables
7. Be able to customize the password saving method (check the syntax yourself, and the program will crash directly if the syntax is wrong)
8. Complete plug-ins (such as cloud irrigation, cloud likes, etc.)
9. Support multi account binding (starting from V3.0)
10. Support VIP (from V3.1)
11. Listen to your suggestions, for example, if someone wants to be a cloud robber and a cloud cracker
12. You can manually add a post bar without following
13. Support delayed adding of posts (starting from V3.2)
14. Support up to three check-in modes (client/mobile web page/web page)
15. Open source and free

Precautions for users:

1. Please be sure to use an independent password, because the webmaster can set the password plaintext
2. Changing the password can make BDUSS invalid
3. PID is the ID of the bound account, which can be seen in "Baidu Account Management"

Screenshot preview



In general, this post bar cloud check-in is good, but relatively speaking, it is inferior to the kk post bar check-in assistant, and there are still some inexplicable problems in the use of bloggers. In short, I hope tomorrow will be better!

Related Links

Open source address Program download


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6 Replies to "Another Cloud Sign in: Cloud Sign in at Anonymous Post Bar"

  1. Strange, ordinary hosts, upload to the space, and complete the database. CONFIG.PHP has also modified the database parameters. Why does the browser address bar run/setup/install.php? The prompt is: Oops! This link appears to be corrupted.