Use free space to create a chat robot similar to a pea pod (II)

» Technical toss » Use free space to create a chat robot similar to a pea pod (II)

Thanks for Giuem's open source sharing: the source code of the post bar chat robot! Welcome

 Use free space to create a chat robot similar to a pea pod (II) - Geek Park


I have published articles like Peapod chat robot before. This time, the code content has been greatly updated, and the quality is much better than the previous one.

You may be interested in these:

Easily build your account into a chat robot similar to a pea pod (I)
Build a cloud application to make your post bar reply never stop

General usage

  • 1. Fill in the information (bduss, id, database) in config.php. The sae user does not need to fill in the database information.
  • 2. Open the domain name/install.php installation database.
  • 3. Set cron.php's cron.
  • Specific use method

    SAE user please stamp the link → _ → Post bar robot SAE building method
    This article focuses on the methods of building chat robots in free space. 😎 😎 😎


    1. Create PHP space
    2. Get Baidu BDUSS
    3. Download the source code and edit it (download is provided at the end of the source code text)
    4. Configure FTP Manager
    5. Upload the edited php file
    6. Install app
    7. Create Scheduled Task
    8. OVER

    Most of these processes can be seen here → _ → Build a cloud application to make your post bar reply never stop

    Create Space

    For details, see → _ → Build a cloud application to make your post bar reply never stop
    The database needs to be created, as shown in the figure

    The database information can be copied below

    In PHP space, the data you need to obtain are

    Cloud space secondary domain name, account, password, database name, database user name, database password, database host

    Get Baidu BDUSS

    For details, see → _ → Get Baidu Post Bar BDUSS with various postures

    Download source code and edit source code

    The source code is available for download at the end of the document. During code editing Edit code, please complete UTF-8 encoding!!!
    Just edit the config.php file

    FTP upload file

    There are two types of FTP managers: client and online FTP managers

    1, CrossFTP Pro , personal use of 8UFTP (download address)
    Fill in the secondary domain name, user name and password of the previously obtained space on the FTP software, and click the link

    After the link is successful, select all the edited files on the left, right click, upload, OK

    If you are going to use the client to upload files, skip the following

    2, Online FTP Manager , directly stamp the link → _ → Online FTP Manager
    After opening, fill in the user name and password

    Enter the public_html path and click the upload button to start uploading files

    Select to upload compressed file (You need to recompress the edited application file in zip format.)

    Select the file and click unzip to unzip it.

    [box style="warning"] The FTP client has two modes: online FTP, which you can choose, but the client is simpler. I personally use the client upload. [/v_notice]

    Install app

    The installation is very simple. Just enter the application pathname+install.php. For example, my previous The following figure shows that the installation is successful

    If not, check whether there is any problem in filling in the database

    Add Scheduled Task

    I use Uptime Robot to plan tasks( What is Uptime Robot
    Add the file path of corn.php, such as my


    After installation, you can try to use your chat robot with other numbers to see if it works.
    This application only comes with a simple tuning command
    [Q: Question A: Answer] @ xxx


    This little robot has just come out, and there must be many problems. Don't expect it to become a pea pod all of a sudden. It's just for fun

    Update log

    On August 30, 2014, multiple robot interfaces were added

    Related Links

    Open source address File download


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    45 Replies to "Use free space to create a chat robot similar to a pea pod (II)"

    1. Add the site to the article, because only they have a 3-minute site availability check interval in the free plan.

                  1. @ Win7 experts 32 It's still fast. It takes me 5 minutes to do it every time, and I can do it every second. I see the client reminding me that the robot has replied, and too soon will cause recovery failure or account abnormality

      1. @ Cold star It's normal to have a verification code. You can reduce the frequency. High frequency continuous replies will definitely have a verification code. If you can't fill in a verification code yourself, you'd better use it in the bar that doesn't need a verification code