Several lines of small code to implement the function of a WordPress content template

» WordPress » Several lines of small code to implement the function of a WordPress content template

Many people have some requirements for inserting specific content when using WordPress. No matter what you call it, advertisement or template, it's just that thing anyway. We can use a piece of code to implement the function of content template



I saw an article on the website of boiled fish the other day Article on content templates The big god is the big god. All kinds of functions come at your fingertips. Think about it, we can't figure it out. But as a wper with two lines of code, we can understand the core of this function from the surface. In a word Get the article content through ID It's so simple, let's do it


We want to straighten out our thinking, WPJAM first creates a post type to create a template, but there may not be so many templates in actual use, so we can use normal articles, but as a template, it is not suitable for direct display. Let's set it as a private article, and specific calls can use short code, referring to the previous ones article .

Code and use

Next, use the code to create a short code

 //Add a short code to the article function gdk_insert_temp($atts, $content = null) { extract(shortcode_atts(array( 'id' => '' ) , $atts)); $data = get_post($id); $content = $data->post_content; return $content; } add_shortcode('temp', 'gdk_insert_temp');

Very simple code, and then we directly create an article as a private article

Then call the short code in the corresponding article

Then look at the effect


Now, this function is not difficult, but it is slightly difficult to implement those interface functions gracefully. If only this function is needed, it is still very simple. When encountering problems, you need to consider what functions this function actually needs. This function can insert advertisements or some reusable content


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