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Xiamen Practice of Xi Jinping's Ecological Civilization Thought Inspires Provincial Cadres and Masses to Continue Writing New Answers to Beautiful Fujian
2024-02-23 17:01:15  Author: Source: Southeast Network Editor in charge: Zheng Linyun

Accelerate the construction of beautiful China's leading demonstration province

Xiamen Practice of Xi Jinping's Ecological Civilization Thought Inspires Provincial Cadres and Masses to Continue Writing New Answers to Beautiful Fujian

On February 23, the Southeast Network (Fujian Daily) recently, the central media and our newspaper focused on the introduction of relevant reports on "Xi Jinping's Ecological Civilization Thought Practice in Xiamen", which caused a warm response throughout the province. The majority of Party members, cadres and the masses unanimously expressed that they should earnestly study and deeply understand Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, keep in mind the earnest instructions, unswervingly follow the green development path of organic combination of ecological construction and income increase, constantly create a new situation of ecological civilization construction in Fujian, and accelerate the construction of a beautiful China's leading demonstration province.

"From a lake to a city, Xiamen has long been a success, promoting high-quality development and high-level protection together, and promoting harmony between the people and the sea. It has painted a picture of Xiamen in a beautiful China, become a vivid practice of ecological civilization construction, and demonstrate the truth and practical power of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought." Researchers from the Fujian Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era said that during his work in Fujian, Comrade Xi Jinping attached great importance to ecological protection and restoration, personally organized and promoted the governance of Xiamen Lake and Putian Mulan Creek, and made great achievements in promoting the construction of ecological civilization in Fujian, which has undergone historic changes. These valuable ideological wealth, spiritual wealth and practical achievements have provided rich theoretical support and solid practical foundation for the research and interpretation of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought. We will continue to dig deep into the "rich mine", further promote the theoretical research, study and publicity of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, and promote Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought to be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and become more practical.

The cadres of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission said that General Secretary Xi Jinping has worked in Fujian for 17 and a half years, personally deployed and implemented the strategy of ecological province construction, created a series of innovative ideas and major practices of ecological civilization construction, and left valuable ideological wealth, spiritual wealth and practical achievements for Fujian. As the first national ecological civilization pilot zone in China, Xiamen's practice is a vivid portrayal of Fujian's unswerving inheritance, implementation and practice of the blueprint for the construction of an ecological province proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and its long-term contribution to the coordinated promotion of high-quality economic development and high-quality ecological protection, which embodies the foresight Strategic and contain a strong force of truth and practice. Next, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission will give full play to the overall coordination function of the Provincial Ecological Civilization Construction Leading Group Office, persistently implement the ecological province strategy, deepen the construction of the national ecological civilization pilot zone from a higher starting point, focus on the development of new quality productivity, cultivate and strengthen the green economy, promote the integration and in-depth development of the ecological civilization system reform system, and promote the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, We will promote the construction of a leading province in beautiful China across the region, continue to polish the green background of Fujian's high-quality development, and make green water and green mountains the pride of Fujian forever.

The experience of "Xiamen Practice" is an important achievement in the construction of ecological civilization in our province, which has written a chapter of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization ideology guiding the governance of bay cities. The main person in charge of the Provincial Department of Natural Resources said that he would conscientiously implement the work deployment of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government, promote the preparation of the municipal land space ecological restoration plan, plan to implement major ecological protection and restoration projects, strengthen the supervision of ecological protection and restoration projects, adhere to land and sea integration, sea and river linkage, and urban and rural integrated system governance, Gradually build a big pattern of protection and governance from the mountain top to the sea, and draw a blueprint to the end with the spirit of hard work and solid style of driving nails, constantly creating a new situation of ecological civilization construction in Fujian.

"The Xiamen practice of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought fully reflects that a good ecological environment is the most beneficial livelihood, and has embarked on a path of ecological civilization where protection and development complement each other, and human beings and nature coexist in harmony." The principal of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment said that as an important breeding ground and practice place of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, Fujian has always kept in mind the instructions and worked hard with gratitude, We will steadily promote the construction of a national ecological civilization pilot zone from an ecological province, and then continue to deepen the construction of a beautiful Fujian. On the new journey, the province's ecological environment system will deeply practice Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, deeply tap the typical experience of "Xiamen Practice", persevere in fighting the battle of pollution prevention, accelerate the promotion of green and low-carbon development, strengthen ecological protection and restoration, deepen the innovation of ecological civilization system and mechanism, and accelerate the construction of a beautiful China's leading demonstration province.

Zhang Yuzhen, president of Fujian Academy of Environmental Sciences, said: "The successful experience of Xiamen's ecological civilization construction fully shows that high-quality development and high-level protection can be promoted together. In the past year, the Academy of Environmental Sciences of Fujian Province adhered to the guidance of ecological priority, participated in the completion of the dynamic update of the management and control of the "three lines and one order" ecological environment zoning in Xiamen, increased the investigation of sewage outfalls into the sea, prepared and issued the evaluation index system of beautiful rivers and lakes and beautiful bays in Fujian Province, carried out the preparation of the outline of the beautiful Fuzhou construction plan, and assisted the local government in successfully applying for the national ecological civilization demonstration county. In the new year, our institute will further strengthen the research on the construction of beautiful series and the scientific and technological support for ecological environment protection and governance, fully absorb the experience of "Xiamen Practice", and do a good job in the preliminary research work of the ecological environment protection plan of the "Tenth Five Year Plan". "

"The reform of the collective forest property right system is a major reform personally initiated and led by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his work in Fujian." The relevant person in charge of the provincial forestry bureau said that over the past 20 years, Fujian has continued to deepen forest reform, which has beautified ecology, strengthened industry, enriched forest farmers and stabilized forest areas. Last year, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the Plan for Deepening the Reform of the Collective Forest Property Right System to support our province in building a pilot area for deepening the reform of the collective forest property right system. The provincial forestry system will continue to focus on the five problems of "how to divide mountains", "how to cut trees", "where the money comes from", "how to deal with a single family" and "how to transform two mountains", pay more attention to system integration, more attention to upgrading, more attention to problem orientation, and focus on the "three more" reform pilot focusing on "multiple benefits, multiple joint ventures, and multiple services", Set a benchmark and set an example for deepening forest reform nationwide.

"The reason why Xiamen has achieved outstanding results in ecological protection and restoration lies in the strategic planning and caring guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and in the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, especially the thought of ecological civilization," said Ke Yuzong, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of Xiamen Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, "Xiamen's resource planning system should unswervingly move forward in the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, plan and promote ecological protection and restoration with greater efforts, continue to improve the ecological restoration planning system, continue to promote major projects of ecological protection and restoration, and gradually promote the formation of a new pattern of ecological protection and restoration involving all sectors of society."

Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of Xiamen Municipal Garden Bureau Director Cai Weizhong said: "We will resolutely implement Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization, continue to implement the '20 word policy', carry out comprehensive management of the Lake for a long time, continue to improve the urban and rural water environment, deepen the management of floating garbage, meticulously carve out Xiamen's characteristic garden landscape, accelerate the construction of a modern municipal infrastructure system, consolidate the achievements of the construction of the 'National Ecological Garden City', and make the city 'beautiful The city of ecological garden is more attractive. "

"The achievements made in Xiamen's ecological civilization construction fully demonstrate the truth and practical power of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, which is of great significance for comprehensively promoting the construction of a beautiful China." Liu Baozhu, Director of the Ecological Environment Bureau of Huli District, Xiamen, said that he will unswervingly practice Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, keep in mind the instructions, be grateful and forge ahead, and thoroughly fight against pollution, Continue to promote the construction of ecological civilization and support high-quality development with high-quality ecological environment.

Organizer: Fujian Provincial Department of Natural Resources Organizer: Southeast Network
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