Sina Finance

Making money or inclusive? The goal of inclusive insurance should be clear

The sustainable development of inclusive insurance needs to be considered. We should not only consider the growth of the insurance rate in the first year and the second year, but also consider the possible decline of the insurance rate in the fourth or fifth year. We need to note that the number of patients accumulated in the pool is gradually increasing, and long-term chronic patients, tumor patients and rare disease patients will increase. [Detailed]

The need of benefiting the people and the coordinated development of innovative drugs

In the context of commercial insurance, the positioning of Huiminbao needs to be coordinated with the development of innovative drugs. Specifically, first, the possibility of innovative drugs in the future needs to be improved, and commercial insurance needs to play its value. Second, Huimin Insurance needs to integrate with innovative drugs, which is the innovative direction of Huimin Insurance and commercial health insurance. [Detailed]

It is suggested to expand the coverage of people benefit insurance so that more people can enjoy the policy dividend

The key to the development of supplementary medical insurance is to play a market role. Commercial insurance companies should not only play the role of outsourcing, but also actively participate in the refined market operation and management. At the same time, he proposed to further expand the coverage of commercial supplementary medical insurance (hereinafter referred to as Huimin Insurance). [Detailed]

Policy dividend and system innovation of benefiting people

This paper deeply analyzes how the government can use the role of referee to drive the efficiency of the market mechanism, and points out that the current barbaric growth of Huimin Insurance may lead to the risk avoidance of network mutual aid. [Detailed]

Will Huimin Insurance become the government's medical insurance in the future?

Is it necessary to benefit people? From the perspective of the government, it is very necessary. As the second level, it needs to be supplemented by a commercial insurance that is as inclusive as possible on the basis of the first level of government's universal basic medical insurance. Although the range of people who really enjoy it is not very large, it is helpful to solve the risk of such a high cost that everyone may encounter. [Detailed]

Huimin Insurance needs to make a big "plate" if it wants to be recognized

It is suggested that the competent authority not only give policies, but also give practical support to China's health insurance development. In particular, whether it is possible to consider transferring the basic medical insurance part of Huimin Insurance participants to Huimin Insurance underwriters for management, so that these commercial institutions can provide full cycle management and services for the insured. [Detailed]

People benefit insurance needs to be alert to "death spiral"

I am not worried about the continuity of Huimin Insurance as a whole, but some short-sighted projects may have a certain degree of sustainable risk, especially the possibility of continued participation of some third parties without verified value contribution. [Detailed]

Is Huimin Insurance "Huimin" or "Huibao"?

How to benefit the people and how to benefit the people, whether it is a real benefit or a gimmick benefit, may be the concern of people inside and outside the industry. Most people are worried about its compensation, but in fact, more attention should be paid to its low compensation rate. From the perspective of some cities that have been developed in the early stage, most of the compensation rates are low, which has been proved in practice. [Detailed]

Low price and vicious competition may lead to "real" benefit for people, insurance and compensation

The boundary of the government guided "people's benefit insurance" compensation is very wide, and the compensation security is relatively good, while the scope of the commercial "people's benefit insurance" security is limited to the social security. People can't understand the difference between the two, and some disputes and problems will arise when the real claim is settled. [Detailed]

Problems to be solved in connection with the national medical insurance information system

The problem now is that although the local medical insurance department or local government platform promotes the implementation of the benefit of people's insurance, the National Health Insurance Bureau has not made a clear statement on whether to support the development of the benefit of people's insurance. Therefore, the time is not yet ripe for the medical insurance department to be the bargaining subject of the benefit of people's insurance payment end in the short term. [Detailed]

Some Huimin Insurance products have no strict insurance coverage

For Huimin Insurance to achieve sustainable development and nationwide promotion, it must involve whether the premium is sufficient and the operational risk is controllable. If the pricing is not sufficient and the compensation risk is uncontrollable, such products are absolutely unsustainable. [Detailed]

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