The American Catholic Church may become one of the biggest beneficiaries of the US epidemic relief fund

The American Catholic Church may become one of the biggest beneficiaries of the US epidemic relief fund
02:36, July 11, 2020 Sina Finance Comprehensive

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[The American Catholic Church may become one of the biggest beneficiaries of the epidemic relief fund in the United States] According to the Associated Press, the American Catholic Church has used the unprecedented exemption of the federal government to obtain at least $1.4 billion in new epidemic relief funds from American taxpayers, of which millions may flow to the parish where the clergy's sexual assault scandal occurred. The Catholic Church may receive more than 3.5 billion dollars, making it one of the largest beneficiaries of the United States government's anti epidemic assistance. Religious organizations are usually not eligible for funding from the Small Business Administration of the United States, but the religious group has obtained at least 3500 exempted loans through vigorous lobbying of the government.

Source: China Daily

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