Google faces litigation around its advertising technology in the UK

Google faces litigation around its advertising technology in the UK
01:07, May 9, 2024 Global Market Broadcast

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Alphabet, Google's parent company, is urging a London court to block a large-scale lawsuit accusing Google of abusing its dominant position in the online advertising market, which is the latest case against the search giant's business practices.

One party to the lawsuit, on behalf of British website and application publishers, sought compensation of up to 13.6 billion pounds (16.9 billion dollars). These publishers say they have suffered from Google's so-called anti competitive behavior.

Lawyers for the advertising technology class action lawsuit asked the Competition Appeals Court (CAT) to prove that the case will enter the trial stage at the beginning of the three-day hearing on Wednesday.

However, Google said that the case was incoherent and did not explain how the so-called anti competitive behavior caused losses to publishers.

Robert O'Donohue, lawyer of the Collective Action Organization for Advertising Technology, said that the lawsuit in London was "the latest in a series of major settings preference abuse cases involving Google".

At the time of the case, regulators were investigating Google's advertising technology business, including the Competition and Markets Authority and the European Commission. Mr. O'Donohue said that the investigation was coming to an end.

O'Donohue also mentioned that the European Commission issued two tickets worth billions of euros to Google because of Google's online shopping search service and the requirement that Google preload Google Search and Chrome browser on Android mobile devices.

Google also faces two lawsuits in the United States, one filed by the Department of Justice and the other by Texas and other states, accusing the company of anti competitive behavior.

Caterpillar's lawyer said in the court documents of Caterpillar case that the company "strongly denies the potential charges against it". "Google's influence in the advertising technology industry has greatly promoted competition."

The lawsuit brought by Ad Tech Collective Action is CAT's latest lawsuit against technology giants. This year, the agency has approved a $3.8 billion lawsuit against Meta, Facebook's parent company, and a nearly $1 billion lawsuit against Apple.

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