Burst! Europe's largest nuclear power plant was attacked by Ukrainian drones

Burst! Europe's largest nuclear power plant was attacked by Ukrainian drones
01:31, July 21, 2022 CCTV Network

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  According to the report of Russian news agency quoted by CCTV News on July 20 local time, Ukrainian drones attacked the Zaboro nuclear power plant, but the nuclear power plant was not damaged.

Rogov (non Ukrainian side), member of the main committee of the Zaporozhe civil military government, said that three Ukrainian military suicide drones attacked the area where the Zaporozhe nuclear power plant was located, but the reactor and other infrastructure of the nuclear power plant were not damaged, and the nuclear power plant was operating normally. According to preliminary judgment, the ammunition power on the UAV is about several kilograms of TNT equivalent.

Rogoff said that the radiation of the nuclear power plant has not changed and has been monitored. At present, there is no response from Ukraine.

It is reported that the Zaboro nuclear power plant was attacked by unmanned aerial vehicles on July 18, causing 11 staff members injured and 4 seriously injured.

Zaborore Nuclear Power Station is located in Enir Godar, Zaborore State, Ukraine. It is also the largest nuclear power station in Europe and the third largest in the world. Its power generation accounts for 25% of Ukraine's total nuclear power generation.

Russia currently controls the southern and central parts of Zaporoge region, including, of course, the city of Enir Godar. However, Zaporoge, the administrative center of Zaporoge and the largest city in the state, is still under the control of the Ukrainian armed forces.

As early as March this year, the Zaborore nuclear power plant became the focus of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The two sides exchanged fierce fire near the nuclear power plant, which was finally controlled by the Russian military.

Earlier, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, said that there were 30 tons of plutonium and 40 tons of enriched uranium in the Zaboro nuclear power plant controlled by the Russian army.

The Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitro Kuleba once warned on Twitter: "If the Zapolo nuclear power plant explodes, it will be 10 times more powerful than the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion."

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