Foreign media attention: Trump said that China would not impose tariffs

Foreign media attention: Trump said that China would not impose tariffs
12:23, November 18, 2018 Reference message network

   Foreign media attention: Trump said that China would not impose tariffs

On November 18, the Daily News of Reference News said that after China submitted a list to the United States indicating what actions China was willing to take to resolve trade disputes, US President Donald Trump said on the 16th that he might not impose more tariffs on Chinese goods, although Trump also added that it was unacceptable that some major items on the list were omitted.

According to Reuters on November 16, Trump has imposed tariffs on China's imports worth 250 billion dollars. China responded to the US tariff measures by imposing additional tariffs.

According to the report, the US side requires China to improve market access, strengthen intellectual property protection for US companies, reduce industrial subsidies and reduce the US $375 billion trade surplus with the US.

It is reported that according to the plan announced by the Trump government, the US tariff on US $200 billion of Chinese goods will be raised from 10% to 25% on January 1 next year. Trump also threatened that if China could not meet the requirements of the United States, he would impose additional tariffs on all the remaining Chinese imports - about $267 billion in other goods.

Trump told reporters at the White House: "We may not have to do that."

However, Trump also added that "four or five major events have been omitted" from the list submitted by China.

He didn't specify what items were missing.

However, Trump said that he believed that in any agreement with China, the missing items would be resolved.

Editor in charge: Chen Yongle

Trump tariff

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