Major breakthrough! Localization of the core components of superconducting quantum computer

Major breakthrough! Localization of the core components of superconducting quantum computer
17:51, May 16, 2024 Shanghai Securities News

Anhui Quantum Computing Engineering Research Center recently released news, The core component of China's third-generation autonomous superconducting quantum computer, "Homesource Wukong" - high-density microwave interconnection module has been successfully developed domestically.

The successful development of this module enables the quantum chip to play a more powerful computing power, which is conducive to the efficient operation of "Primordial Wukong", and also provides valuable technical support for the research and development of the next generation of quantum computers.

   Localization of High Density Microwave Interconnection Modules

Kong Weicheng, deputy director of Anhui Quantum Computing Engineering Research Center, said that quantum chips are "quantum computing brains" that need to operate at - 273.12 ℃ or lower temperatures. The high-density microwave interconnection module is a "neural network", which can not only transmit signals accurately, but also isolate heat, so as to establish a high-speed and stable channel for quantum information transmission between the "quantum computing brain" and external devices.

In the high-density microwave interconnection module, There is a crucial "line" - the ultra-low temperature special high-frequency coaxial cable, which is the key component of quantum computer signal transmission.

In order to solve the "one line" problem, Benyuan Quantum Computing Technology (Hefei) Co., Ltd., in conjunction with the 40th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group, successfully completed the technical breakthrough of high-density microwave interconnection module suitable for extremely low temperature environment, and realized the localization of the module at a price far lower than the price of imported equipment.

Kong Weicheng said that this domestic high-density microwave interconnection module can provide a microwave signal transmission channel for 100+bit quantum chips, and can realize stable transmission of microwave signals across temperature regions under extremely low heat leakage environment.

   Enter the era of available quantum computing power

As of May 7, "Homesource Wukong" has attracted more than 8 million visitors worldwide. This data witnessed the first large-scale and long-term opening of China's quantum computing power to the world, marking that China has entered the era of availability of quantum computing power.

"Primordial Wukong", independently developed by Primordial Quantum team, is equipped with 72 independent superconducting quantum chips "Wukong Core", which is the most advanced programmable and deliverable superconducting quantum computer in China at present.

Kong Weicheng introduced that "Wukong Core" is the core of "Wukong of origin", but it is not the only black technology. Based on the original Tianji quantum computing measurement and control system, users can issue and execute 200 quantum circuits at the same time, which is impossible for foreign competitors at present. The classical processing delay in the process of "squeezing" the quantum computer makes our quantum computer have an unprecedented speed advantage.

At present, this superconducting quantum computer is autonomous and controllable in four aspects, from hardware to quantum chip, to operating system and application software. The localization rate has exceeded 80%, and remarkable progress has been made in system stability, quantum bit number, operation accuracy, etc.

Kong Weicheng said, "In the future, we will accelerate the principle verification, technology transformation and application development of quantum computing, and make steady progress towards the goal of realizing large-scale programmable universal quantum computers."

The reporter learned that in the field of quantum computing, developed countries led by the United States started early and had high industrial maturity. China started late in the quantum field, but has made rapid progress. A paper on global quantum information technology patents published recently shows that from 2003 to 2022, China's quantum information technology patent applications accounted for 37% of the global total, surpassing some developed countries.

   Multiple listed companies layout quantum computing

Quantum computing is a new qualitative productivity in the era of digital economy. Whoever masters advanced computing power will have a "winning chance" for development.

According to the prediction of Boston Consulting Group (BCG), the application market of quantum computing is expected to reach more than 50 billion dollars by 2030, and the commercial era of quantum computing will also accelerate. Founder Securities Li Hongtao said that quantum computing is expected to be commercially available within 10 to 15 years, and the first commercial year of quantum computing is expected to be around 2030.

At present, many companies have deployed quantum computing.

   China Mobile Chen Hongtao, general manager of the Science and Technology Innovation Department, said that China Mobile began to lay out the field of quantum computing in 2019. Previously, China Mobile, together with the Quantum Technology Yangtze River Delta Industrial Innovation Center, four quantum computing companies, including Benyuan, Huayi and Bose, jointly released the "Five Mountains Quantum Cloud Computing Innovation Acceleration Plan 1.0". Next, the "Five Mountains Quantum Cloud Computing Innovation Acceleration Plan 2.0" will be implemented.

   Electronics Digital He said that at present, based on the independently developed 20 bit superconducting quantum computer engineering prototype and superconducting quantum operating system, CETC Digital Sub Group (32 institutes) has completed the verification of multi bit quantum gate algorithm, and has the computing power of the whole 20 bit superconducting quantum computer.

   Guodun Quantum He said that in 2023, the company will launch a quantum computer of the same scale as "Zuchongzhi No. 2" and access the quantum computing cloud platform, open to the whole society. In 2024, the domestic dilution refrigerator delivered by the company has been tested by customers for many months, and the operation effect is good, reaching the international advanced level.


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