Vanke received a syndicated loan of 20 billion yuan led by China Merchants Bank, and has received 10 billion yuan

Vanke received a syndicated loan of 20 billion yuan led by China Merchants Bank, and has received 10 billion yuan
12:53, May 23, 2024 Red Star News

Red Star Capital Bureau reported on May 23 that Vanke (00000 2. SZ) had signed an agreement with China Merchants Bank and other leading financial institutions to obtain a syndicated loan of 20 billion yuan, and the collateral was Vanke's Wanwei Logistics shares. Up to now, 10 billion yuan has been received. It is reported that this is the largest single real estate loan since 2020.

Vanke said that the 20 billion yuan syndicated loan will help the company further improve its liquidity, which reflects the strong support of China Merchants Bank and other financial institutions for the company. In the next step, the company will actively and systematically complete the transformation of financing mode while properly handling the matured debts.

Edit Yu Dongmei

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